Saturday, October 2, 2010

Shut the Door

I must say that I was on the most entertaining trotro ride of my life today. I knew I was in trouble the moment thre trotro stopped infront of me as the driver had to get out of the car to open the passenger side. No big deal but the door was falling off and the driver had to put it back on its track for it to open properly. I had to sit in the first row of course closest to the door. A rope was attached to the top of the sliding door which was attached to the front passenger's seat handle found at the top of the door. The lady next to held it taught to help secure the door. The mate(person who take the money) sat behind me and kept his hand outside the window to also hold the door in place. Only in Ghana does this happen! At one point, I heard the lady next to me tell the mate in Twi that she was tired of holding it so I took the string and tried to hold it tight. Eventually the mate told me, sister is okay let go, meaning you aren't helping so it isn't worth it. There was even a moment when the mate was leaning more out the side trying to keep the door on somewhat as the trotro was on an angle and even the back door flew open! Everyone was laughing now at this funny sight! The mate even managed to crawl on the outside of the door since the space was wide enough between the side of the car and where the door should have attached. I love when absurd things like this in Ghana happen because it is just random and would never be allowed in the states. Here, you just have to embrace them for what they are.
During this hilarious time, I thought about the song, Shut the Door, Keep out the Devil, Shut the Door, Keep the Devil in the Night, It is by accapella and worth hearing it.

The mate was trying his best to keep the door shut just as Christians we have to resist the devil. When I was holding the door, I wanted to just stop holding it just as sometimes the Devil seems to be pulling to hard to resist, it is easier to give into temptation then to draw the string hard so the door keeps securely shut from his tempting. My prayer is that I will openly and consciously resist the devil's temptation to make me doubt being here or my teaching or my relationship in Christ. God is doing a might work here and it can only be accomplished if we stay strong in His work and stay focused on the reasons why we are here or anywhere to serve the Lord. There are so many students at school who are questioning who God is or denying His name. Please pray for those students and that the teachers would be willing to love on these kids instead of get frustrated with them.

Yesterday was competition at Children of the Light. The children were tested in spelling and bible questions. I listened to the kids say the dolche(sight words) which I cringed through as these kids still do not know their sounds let alone simple words not to mention that some of them are 12! I am just sick and me coming on the weekends is not enough to help them! They really need help by starting back at the basices. All they learn is rote memorization and never get the phonics they so desperately need. That is why I have to start teacher training programs because I cannot continue to see this happen in the schools. I see the same thing with the kids in my neighborhood. My two girls can sound out words but the majority of the kids just guess randomly. At the competition, there was the word red and I was helping him sound out each letter he said rabbit. There is no rhym or reason! Please pray for the education system that someting will be done and somehow I can help in this matter because these children deserve much more.

This week at school, my kids led chapel which of course I didn't start preparing for until Monday. Chapel isn't until Wednesday so I had plenty of time! At the beginning of the year, we studied the armour of God that God gives us so we can resist the evil in the world. Auntie Jean had this song from a composer in New Zealand who she has met. I had the kids act out the different parts of the armous of God during the song. They did such a great job and I was very proud of them. I have pictures on someone else's camera so I hope to have those up soon. While we were practicing, I was talking about evil being in the dark and my one student who openly denies Jesus, said that sin is like a dark dungeon and Jesus is the only one that can free us from it. Wow! What an amazing analogy especially from someone who said Jesus is not her savior. God is working in these student's lives and I just pray He keeps tugging at their hearts even harder.

On Friday, my kids earned a compliment party for being good in specials and in the class. They wanted to watch a movie which is an easy thing to do in the states but has proved to be much more difficult in Ghana! Well, the DVD player is not set up with the TV in the library since noone knows how to work it so we were going to watch it on the projector. They voted on Toy Story 3 but it turned out to be Sponge Bob and I was not watching Sponge Bob. We tracked down another movie but then it wouldn't show on my computer and the projector at the same time. I ran to get another teacher's computer was you couldn't hook up the projector to her computer. We decided to watch it just on my computer even though they were complaining. Then my computer was dieing so I had to plug it in but I didn't have the right adapter to attach the extention chord so I had to run around trying to find one. I wish you could just plug things into the wall! Then I went to find speakers so the kids could hear better. Then I realized that the kid I put in the hallway for messing around in the bathroom was not there anymore but luckily he was in the bathroom right next to my room. I know, what kind of teacher am I? Then I had to pass out snacks and try to get packed up for the day. I think other things happened but I am trying to block most of it from my memory. All I know is I was running around like a crazy person! Nothing is every easy here and I have learned to accept it but sometimes it is just too much! I just learn to laugh a lot here so I don't cry.

The day ended on a good note as I have started doing prayer runs with two of the high schoolers. I love this time as we strengthen our physical and spritual bodies by focusing on Christ. These two girls had amazing testimonies and prayed directly from the heart. They prayed for each other and the unsaved at school. One prayed that we would be open to our sins and seek forgiveness from Christ so we can be free and follow Christ better. God is working in their lives and I am so privileged to watch them grow. The days get busy but it is important to spend time with these kids as they seek out attention and just an opening ear from somewhat still kind of young but hopefully a little wiser! These two are also soccer kids who help keep me sane when I want to pull out my hair with some of the other kids.

Oh, please pray for my voice. I never have one and this becomes very difficult at soccer as they don't listen as it is. So either pray my voice doesn't give out or they learn to stay quiet.

Friday morning, the elementary chair brought this verse to our attention;
Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose"

Even though we might not like every situation we are involved in, I have to realize that I am in every moment for a reason. God has put me there and it is important to love on those surrounding me and to do the purpose God has called me to do. Some days I feel inadequate but God equips the called and I do feel at a peace being here. However, God can use us in wherever where are as long as we are faithful to his calling. I like this verse as it gives me the hope that I am not here doing this on my own but I have my Lord and Savior who orchestrated each moment for a reason. It is a big responsibility but I need to hold on to each situation and use it to bring Glory to God's name as much as possible as I never know how it will work to further God's kingdom. The women at school and I are doing the Esther bible study from Beth Moore. At the end of the last session we watched, she heavily taught on Esther 4:14: For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” For such a time at this. Yes, God has called each one of us for such a time as this. Wow, isn't that powerful? We never know how God is going to use a moment for His ultimate puprose. For us, each day seems mundane and routine but no, God has called to whever for such a time as this. God is so good and sovereign. At this point, I don't even have the words as I am in awe of our Creator. What a might God we Serve!

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