Monday, March 5, 2012

Throw off the Snake

Wow, what a title right? You might already be clicking off this page or maybe your curiousity will get the best of you and you want to find out why this is my title. Last Sunday morning, I was really struggling with the idea of leaving Ghana and friends here. Then, of course God spoke to me directly at church. The visiting pastor was talking about how Paul got bit by a snake on an island while he was travelling to Rome. The people there thought he must be a murderer and that he would die. Paul shook the snake off and was fine. He wasn't even worried and didn't allow the other people to discourage him as he knew he needed to go to Rome. This was such an encouragement as I can't be down trodden by the fact of leaving here or worried that the future plans won't work out. God is sovereign and has all the details worked out. If I keep my eyes focused on Him and Him alone, all worry will surpass.

This past week has proved to be another difficult one, emotionally speaking. Friday after school, I heard the tragic news that a missionary family with FIM(mission I am joining) lost their 15 year old son. He was good friends with many of our kids at school and we had to tell most of them after they got back from a basketball game Friday night. There was no easy way to tell them and yes they were very confused. We are just praying that the Lord will continue to show his Truth to these students and instead of turning their backs on God, they will run closer to Him. Please pray for this family as they have to make a lot of decisions in the next week. Also, pray for the staff at AIS as we know how to best comfort our students in this time of loss.

I was suppose to be in Togo as we have Monday and Tuesday off for Ghana's Independence Day. Unfortunately, plans did not work out so we went to the beach instead with a group of teachers. This was relaxful(yes I relaxed some!) and of course fun as I spent a good amount of time in the water just floating. I have probably mentioned this a million times but I love watching the waves as they just remind me of God's power and that he can control the wind and the waves. What a powerful God we serve! On Sunday, the waves were very powerful and I was taken under too many times for my comfort. When we were knocked around, sand covered every inch of our bodies, even my ears! I tried to get it off, but obviously this was impossible when I was washing it with sandy water! This reminded me of sin and struggles as we keep trying to pick the grains off one by one while we are still standing in the trouble. This will never work! We only become clean when we get out of the water, out of the sin, and wash off with clean water, or the forgiveness of Christ. God doesn't want us to be stuck with sand on us, we need to get out and wash off in his mery and goodness. We all need to be thankful for the rich blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us!

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