Sunday, December 25, 2011

Love Came Down

This is where the Sultan's use to live in ancient Istanbul which used to be called Constantinople. There is such a rich history in Istanbul.

The picture is looking out into the Marmar Sea. The far land is Asia. It is such a beautiful landscape and I wish I could see it in the summer.

This is a mosque that use to be a church which would have occured during the 4th crusade. It is hard not noticing how grande the mosques are we must keep our focus on Christ, the creator of all

Before I left, I made some of the kids on the street breakfast. They ate like kings and queens with french toast, banana bread, and apples. Oh yes, they also enjoyed the sweet syrup as they are not use to such sugary things. I love these beauitful one dearly.

I must admit right off the bat that I stole this title from a Point of Grace Christmas Song but I was hoping you wouldn't mind too much. I actually haven't heard this song this Christmas but thought the point was appropriate. I am sitting at the table while my family members play with their new "toy" aka a Kindle. However, I am quite content as I have experienced a Christmas that I have not since three Christmases ago. I have spent two amazing Christmases in Ghana but God knew it was time for me to be home. I definitely appreciated this Christmas more so and enjoyed just the little moments as I forgot all the beautiful memories with the ones I loved.

Last night at the Cande Eve Service, I was reminded of how much I love my family and church members. As I looked around while listening to specials or singing carols, I couldn't help but break out in a huge smile. This is my family and we have all grown in our walk with Christ. Some of the kids are starting to share their talents with specials or help with the sound. Others are just reaching out to new members or offering help to the person in the pew behind them. We are definitely not a large church, but we care for one another and lift each other up through the grace of God which is irreplaceable. I loved being in Ghana but nothing can replace being with close family and friends.

The last week has been filled with, well at first just trying to get home. When I finally made it to New York, the plane was late yet again and I missed my connecting flight. Going through customs was fun as my luggage was not on the conveyor belt. The customs officials were not thrilled that I was coming from an international location without any baggage but I tried to explain why although that was too confusing. At the connecting counter, she wasn't too happy with me as I was late and didn't have luggage. In the midst of this, I saw my luggage just sitting there, which now I realized had been there since the day before. She was now not happy at all that I had taken luggage and was just conufsed on everything. I wasn't in the odd to explain and just started crying(what a girl!) which made her livid. After all that, I got my luggage taken care, praise the Lord! However, my phone was dead so I scrounged up coins to call on a pay phone(they still make these!) to say I would be late. What an ordeal but it made me appreciate getting home even more!

The next day was bright and early as I helped Cathy in her classroom teaching about the Netherlands. I loved her kids and wished I could be around them more. They got attached fast but alas had other things to do. I have been so blessed to help with church ministry as I have missed this. It definitely was a busy week but God prevails and showers us with wonderful moments that we will remember.

Oh yes, back to my title. Love came down as Christ. He came down as a small baby, with the world hoping He would crush the enemy. To some people, they were disappointed in that He died before sitting on the throne but this was the greatest victory. His dieing enabled us as sinners, to be saved from our sins and thus spend eternity in Heaven with our Savior. How can love be described in another perfect way? To God be the Glory! I pray we can spread the Love of Christ with the unconditional giving and just attitude of our very being.

I am going back in such a short time, Friday to be exact. However, I am looking forward to the chance to experience Togo and the many opportunities for teacher training there. I have enjoyed each moment in the states and will hold on to those cherished memories.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Unexpected Stop

My long awaited journey to America finally started Saturday night as I borded a plane bound first for Nigeria, Istanbul, New York, and then Cincinnati. However, the plane leaving from Accra was late and we spent too much time in Nigeria which made for a late arribal in Instanbul. I didn't have much time to waste as it was but his didn't help, especially since we had to get our boarding tickets here. Yes, the inevitable happened and they wouldn't allow 6 of us on the plane, for who knows what reason. Some were upset but I have realized this gets you nowhere and it is better to stay. Okay, I did shed tears later, but they weren't hateful tears! Anyways, the airline decided my best bet was to wait until tomorrow to fly out. There was a later flight to New York but then I would be stuck in New York with no guarantee that things would work out for me.

The agreement wasn't such a bad deal as they put me up in a Marriot. I could have relaxed and enjoyed the room but thought it was a better idea to see the sights of Istanbul. Luckily, a free shuttle went into the old city part and I spent a few hours seeing mosques and looking through bazaars(markets.) There markets are just a little different then the ones in Ghana as well, they don't smell as bad, don't have flies everywher,e and really don't pressure you to buy things. They sell the most beautiful scarves, rugs, purses, and you name it. They did have fish, but it was a lot more fresh than Ghanaian markets and smelled better! I quite enjoyed taking in the Turkish culture despite the cold chilling me to the bone! Literally, my foot is still thawing out!I even had chestnuts roasted over an open fire which were quite delicious. Let the Christmas season begin! The city is surrounded with rolling hills as the houses follow the layout and they almost fall right into the sea which is a great seaport for the city. On the way back in my taxi, I even managed to learn the words for Thank You and Rain. Oh the useful things I learn.
Yes, this was not my ideal day as I would have rather been running into the arms of my parents but I must be thankful that the flights as I am still in one piece. I have had the opportunity to explore a new place and I would rather be stuck somewhere then harmed. God is good and although his plan seems far off from ours, He is always protecting us. I just pray we can see His blessings even when they seem like a curse.

Friday, December 9, 2011

How far are we willing to go?

I am behind in writing and so much has happened but I will try my best to explain how the Lord continues to be faithful here.

Last Tuesday at our teacher meeting, our principal talked about the controversy with Tim Tebow and how he is willing to take a stance for his faith in Christ. Wow, am I willing to stand up for my faith that much? Am I willing to act like a Christian all the time even when Ghana circumstances make it quite difficult? The last week and a half have been a little difficult but we praise the Lord that everyone is okay.

A week ago Thursday, I was in the middle of a spelling test when the alarm sounded for a fire drill. To be honest, I didn't know it was the fire drill alarm since sometimes the bell just gets stuck. Actually, it wasn't even a fire drill as a small room on the second floor had an electrical fire. The entire school spent an hour outside until we concluded that it was no longer possible to continue school. On top of that, we had to cancel school the following day because it was a national holiday, Farmer's Day, and if we didn't take it off we would be fine. Oh yes, on top of that, we also didn't have any water in the school so hand sanitizer was used plentiful that day! Oh the JOYS that happen on any given day in Ghana! Praise the Lord that noone was injured although major reconstruction of the electrical wiring was required. They should have called my mom and other ladies at the church who did ours!

On Saturday, we had our last soccer match. We ended up losing but really played well. They were actually passing on the ground and understood the decisions that we made. We must rejoice in the little things!

On Sunday, we went to Pram Pram for the last time this semester. That is the children's home that we take the high school and middle school students there to teach Sunday School. We had 19 kids and so many teachers! Everything went well and we even brought gifts for each student. The kids at school were in charge of bringing gifts for these children which was really amazing to join together as a school to bring Christmas to others. Our students still need to learn the importance of giving to others as they have so much.

On Tuesday, we celebrated Christmas with the kids on the street. If you have read my blog before, you would know that these are my joy! They are definitely like family and I am so thankful for their dirty hands, crooked smiles, and wild energy. We had 60 kids show up that night which is more than usual! What a praise but we did not have enough gifts for all of them. Needless to say, we had to make a raincheck on the flip flops and bibles for each family but the kids took it well. Fortunately, no everyone has bibles and flip flops as we went back to the market 2 extra times to get everything. These kids might not have much but they have hearts of gold and I am so thankful that we are able to support them. Thank you for my cousin who gave additional money towards this project.

Throughout the week, our kids at school were busy practicing for the Christmas Program. We loaded them all on a bus on Thursday and took them to the hotel to practice. Talk about a teacher nightmare! Actually, it went well and my kids behaved although I filled them with tons of fun papers to do. On the day of performance, we had a huge crowd, including Muslims and non-Christians. The Lord was working in the hearts of the people as God's message of redemption and love to all reigned loudly that night. One of the highlights was my second graders and the first graders with towels on their heads to simulate being sheep and others being very cute shepherds telling the sheep to pipe down. Also, the 8th grade class did a lively version of Oh Happy Day which stole the show. Each class had unique personality but it was a praised filled night for our Savior.

For the last week of school, I of course had to plan crazy activities for the time together. We spent sometime reading Flat Stanley, making crafts with the kindergarten students, and even making ornaments. I almost had a heart-attack on Tuesday when we were in the middle of making gingerbread cookies. They are such great bakers and can follow directions well but they shocked me when they asked what a cookie cutter was. I then took a poll and realized half of the class had never make cookies with cookie cutters before. This was a huge blow to me, just realizing that even these kids who have so much, miss out on the simple things of life. I tried to document as much as possible this important moment of kids cutting out cookies for the first time. I am sure my classroom was insane that afternoon(it's a wonder they still let me be a teacher) with my kids making their Flat selves and me in the back with kids rolling out salt dough ornaments and gingerbread cookies. It was tiring but a fun afternoon!

Wednesday brought new adventures to our kids as we went to the orphanage to make Christmas crafts with the kids. There is one boy there who is blind and mute. Two of my boys were paired with him which made them have a lot of questions but it was good for them to learn how to work with others who are different. One of the parents who came with us, told them how other senses are elevated when you lose one or two. It was cute, because they then passed on this information to other kids and were very proud of their new friend.

In the afternoon, we continued the fun by having parents come into the room for a party. My kids presented poems about the true meaning of Christmas, did Joy to the World in sign language, and each memorized a stanza of Twas the Night Before Christmas! It was definitely quite impressive. My kids then got to decorate the gingerbread cookies we made with their parents which was cute to see them all working together. I didn't have the turnout I was expecting but we still all had a good time. One of my parents' dad came which was a huge surprise sine the boy hadn't seen him since last April as he was working in another country. hat a blessing and a praise as the boy had voiced earlier to me how it was hard not seeing his father for a long time. I love each one of these students and am so thankful to be a listening ear for them but to also offer support when needed.

Our week finally ended on Thursday with a half day but I was still crazy enough trying to get the kids' flat Stanleys finished so they could take them during Christmas. We were missing some body parts at one point(sounds funny to say) as I had to cut them apart to fit in the laminator, but it all worked out. I miss my kids already but am thankful to be going home for the break. In fact, I still got to see one of my students today as he thought we had school. Oops!

Anyways, what a blessing it will be to see you all in person very soon! Please pray for my flight as I am going through Nigeria and Turkey. I am excited for the adventure! This has been a tough semester for various reasons, with tough decisions to be made, but it also has been exciting. God is teaching me how to trust in him more and more each day and I am thankful for that. God is good and will continue to show himself to me when the time is needed as long as I am patient.

Merry Christmas!