Thursday, November 1, 2012

Open-Door Policy

Have you ever looked out the door while sititng in church and watched chickens pass over the doorstep? Neither have I until now when this is a weekly sight, especially since I sit right by the side door.  All of the doors are always open during church and instead of windows, the top half of the walls are all hexagon shaped openings to allow the breeze to enter.  With all this openness, it brings many welcomed sounds, sights, and smells(although those are not always welcomed.)  While I was looking out the door last Sunday while I was listening(trying to) I realized that it does make the church so more inviting when you can almost see everything going on from the outside and hear everything from a block away.  This makes the church a welcoming place, that shows others that we are not ashamed to show how we are worshipping the Lord.  It also allows people to come in freely, I mean they can't disturb church with the creak of a door when they are already open.  Now, I am not suggesting that every church in America should keep their doors open and cut out holes instead of windows in their walls. This would welcome many snowstorms during the winter and I understand this would not be a great idea.  However, are we willing to be open as Christians to others?  Are we willing to stand for the name of Jesus, and even let down our guard to share our struggles, so others can ultimately see His glory?  I want to proclaim to the roof tops and show it in my demeanor that "I am not ashamed to be a Christian, and to be an open book so people can see the work the Lord has done in me!"  If you know me well, you know I have my struggles, many struggles, but I am a living testimony that God does work miracles and turns everything for His good when we turn towards Him.  So, you might not be able to keep your doors open during church but how can you, and me, think of ways to keep "our doors open" to others so we can share Christ with others and they can witness His saving grace. 

This past week(I am speaking from the 22nd to the 29th of October)  was another blessed week of getting to know the students more and finding ways to help the teachers.  We spent Wednesday visiting the Kpalime schools which are facing some difficulties with lack of teachers and who to hire.  Please pray for the pastors, that they will have wisdom in this matter and look for ways that will glorify the Lord and be the most beneficial for the students.  I visited another school where they just started a KG and they have no materials.  So my task at the moment is finding things for them to do.  I will return next week to share ideas to begin centers and develop a curriculum. 

I also had the privilege of helping in the KG room at La Lumiere, where I teach.  She has 40 students and when they normally arrive in the morning, they just sit there with their backpacks on.  She won't give them anything to do because they will put it in their backpacks.  So the first order of business was hanging up the backpacks with clothespins so they were out of the way.  Then I set out different activities around the room so the children could choose an activity to do.  She was shocked that it actually worked as the children were quiet and less of them cried when they entered the room.  By the end of the week, she was putting out the centers on her own and very proud of herself!  It just takes showing them that change can be good and work but I have to actually do it with them.  This is a problem with the other schools as i am not there all the time to implement it but we are taking one day at a time.  I do love working with my middle school students and they are starting to pick up English rather fast.  They are starting to realize that there are other ways to learn English than just memorizing all the words.  Wednesday afternoon, I spent time just playing games with the girls which was a lot of fun to get to know them outside of the classroom.  Of course none of them show up on time but they do show up eventually.  We spent time playing Uno, jumping rope, and of course playing soccer.  These girls spend a lot of time working in the fields or helping their parents at home so it is important to give them time to play and just be kids.  Most important, through my love for them, I want to show them that they have a God that loves them more than anything.  Thursday afternoon, I spent time teachign them how to make friendship bracelets.  We are just trying to find small ways that maybe they could make money so they can rely on themselves instead of boys for things.  I will also be doing a bible study during the time but not all of the girls came in time so we will begin officially next week with that.  Friday was a day off but some of them still came to learn friendship bracelets or to play soccer.  Of course I wanted to get work done but it is important to be available for them and show that I am willing to take time to help them.  Please pray for more opportunities to talk to the girls and that the Lord would give me the right words in French.  I did ask some of the girls if they went to church and why they did so.  They said, of course to learn about the words of God but I am not sure if they understand that they can rely on him for every moment.  One of the girls asked me to go to her church, which is the other Baptist church not very far away.  I said I would go this coming week and now she asks me every day if I am still going.  I don't think she has anyone else to go with her and so I am thrilled to do this with her.  God continues to be good and faithful to us all here.  I pray you are all enjoying the first day of November and staying warm as I continue to sweat!