There is a commercial on TV, I think for expedia, that asks people if they would leave immediately for any destination around the world. Cathy and I concurred that we would agree to this arrangement also. However, when I thought about where I would want to visit, I could only think about one place. Yes, there are million of beautiful places around the world that I would love to see with my eyes, but there is only one place that my heart yearns to be. Any guesses? Yes, Togo! It was such a comfort to know that I really would only want to be in Togo because it isn't a destination to me, it is home. Now this is where my grandmother would insert, second home. Yes, Indiana with my family is still home but I know that the Lord has laid Togo on my heart so I can love the people and share Christ.
There is a month left until school begins and there is still so much that they are trying to accomplish in Togo. Please pray that they can finish all of the textbooks and will have the funds to print them. Please pray for Bea as she leaves on the 15th for the states. Pray for the leadership in Togo, especially for Koudjoji, who lost his wife from cancer. The Lord is mightier than all the problems and He will continue to sustain us as we bring Christian Education to the children of Togo.
I don't know the day when I will see Togo again, only the Lord knows. I am working towards returning in January, but in the meantime I will learn to faithfully follow my Lord and Savior.