After 4 years of teaching in Christian schools, I have grown custom to speaking freely about my faith in Christ. After all, the whole point of a Christian School is to steer the children towards trusting in Christ and help them strengthen their relationship with the Lord. When a student was afraid for a loved one, we prayed. When two students didn't agree on a part of the Bible, we looked a scripture. When we were just down right all tired of each other, we spent time singing songs of prayer and reading verses about love. I loved every moment of openly sharing Christ with my students when the time was right. I love encouraging them to work hard as the Lord was with them and I enjoyed watching their inquisitive faces when they really understood what I was telling them. I guess I took for granite the fact that 2800 students were encouraged from the Word of God each day and were sharing this truth with their parents. I didn't realize how awesome this is until I started subbing in public schools.
Now, I am not trying to bash public schools because my sister teaches in a public school district and I think she is an amazing teacher and witness to her students! However, one da when I was subbing it broke my heart when I was not able to openly share about Christ. I found a student crying during recess and she was able to tell me that several family members were having surgery soon. I wanted to comfort her but everything that flooded my mind was not possible to say as it revolved around Christ and His comfort. It was a horrible moment as I knew what she needed but was not allowed to offer it to her. I couldn't tell her that Christ loved her and the situation was in his hands. I couldn't offer bible verses of encouragement nor could I pray for her. How awful!
I am so thankful for the Christian Schools in Togo where the teachers and I can publicly pray for the students and offer Christ's comfort in time of distress. Nothing will dissipate our feelings of hopelessness unless we are on our knees before our Mighty Savior. The Christian Schools in Togo are making a difference for eternity as children are knowing that they are loved so much that Christ was willing to die for their sins. They are then able to share this truth with others. Please continue to pray for the students and teachers as they boldly stand up the encouragement found in God's word and that they are able to share the Truth with others in Togo.