Mr. Crosby getting ready to play a "fun" game.
Okay, so I am a little late in getting this out since I missed my usual Sunday but I guess it is better now than never!
A week ago Friday, we had Field Day at School. All the students were broken up into 16 teams and we played random games against other teams. I was the leader of team of South Africa. We did pretty well but didn’t win overall, that isn’t the most important part anyways. We played games like spud(throwing waterballoons over a volleyball net and trying to catch them), snowball fight in the classroom, battleship, sumo wrestling, steal the bacon, and water relays. It was a great atmosphere for the students and teachers as we didn’t have to be teachers but more coaches and encourages. The kids were split somewhat evenly by grade level so I got to know some of the older kids which I never see. Everyone was very encouraging through it all and it was great morale for our school since everyone knows everyone anyways. The kids favorite activity was a surprise game where one person a time had to come up to some boxes, lift up each one to see what kind of ball was underneath it and then run to the next one. This was easy except for the fact that under the last box was one of our volunteers who screamed when they picked up the box. The rest of the school watched and fell out of their seats laughing as each victim was tormented by the surprise of their life. They even got Mr. Crosby our director to do it! Great fun in Ghana!
Last week since it was Thanksgiving, I had to teach Thanksgiving in the classroom. Of course they don’t have Thanksgiving in Ghana since it is an American Holiday but it was still important to teach it with the biblical background. The first day we made a thankful tree on a bulletin board where we put up leaves that had things we were thankful for on it. They loved it and had really good things that they were thankful for. On Tuesday, we pretended to be the pilgrims and walked(sailed around the school) looking for new land. They were really cute pretending. One boy laid on the ground pretending to die and another student pretending to give pump his stomach for CPR. Oh what creative minds second graders have! When we got back to the room, they had to be the Pilgrims setting up their new land in America and they all went to work establishing their new lives. I love that they are still able to be creative in though and have fun out of nothing!
We also made Indian headdresses on Tuesday and put feathers on it of things we should thank God for. On Wednesday, we put on our hats and headed to the kindergarten room where we helped the kindergarteners make Pilgrim hats. We brought popcorn because they really did have popcorn at the first Thanksgiving(that’s what they say) and we had a feast to thank God for all of his blessings. They were all so cute! I wish I could show you there picture but I can’t because of privacy. Trust me though, they are adorable.
One more school related thing, we are having our Christmas Musical this Saturday(tomorrow). It is a full blown musical like a church would do and the whole school is involved(high schoolers aren’t too excited about this but they half smile and suffer through it.) During the practice the kids did a great job, especially my second graders. They were the best behave of everyone and I am not being biased. After practice I had to go outside to talk to a parent. He spoke in twih so I had to have a translator with me. He explained that he is a Muslim so he doesn’t want his daughter participating in the school program because she would be worshipping two gods and she can only worship Allah. I wanted to tell him that she already worships the real God at school but I was good and kept my mouth closed. I told him that she had been working very hard and it would be nice for her to be able to participate with her friends and have her feel a part of the school. Again, I really wanted to say, we want you there so you will hear the truth and believe but don’t worry I was praying during the conversation so God was keeping me calm. It is so hard to have these conversations because I just want to share the truth with the lost people in the world but it has to be done in a certain way. He told me at the end of the conversation that he would think about Saturday so please pray that she comes! It would be such a blessing to have her there! Also just pray that if there are people there that don’t know your name, they will understand you in a new way as the gospel is presented clearly.
A week ago Friday, we had Field Day at School. All the students were broken up into 16 teams and we played random games against other teams. I was the leader of team of South Africa. We did pretty well but didn’t win overall, that isn’t the most important part anyways. We played games like spud(throwing waterballoons over a volleyball net and trying to catch them), snowball fight in the classroom, battleship, sumo wrestling, steal the bacon, and water relays. It was a great atmosphere for the students and teachers as we didn’t have to be teachers but more coaches and encourages. The kids were split somewhat evenly by grade level so I got to know some of the older kids which I never see. Everyone was very encouraging through it all and it was great morale for our school since everyone knows everyone anyways. The kids favorite activity was a surprise game where one person a time had to come up to some boxes, lift up each one to see what kind of ball was underneath it and then run to the next one. This was easy except for the fact that under the last box was one of our volunteers who screamed when they picked up the box. The rest of the school watched and fell out of their seats laughing as each victim was tormented by the surprise of their life. They even got Mr. Crosby our director to do it! Great fun in Ghana!
Last week since it was Thanksgiving, I had to teach Thanksgiving in the classroom. Of course they don’t have Thanksgiving in Ghana since it is an American Holiday but it was still important to teach it with the biblical background. The first day we made a thankful tree on a bulletin board where we put up leaves that had things we were thankful for on it. They loved it and had really good things that they were thankful for. On Tuesday, we pretended to be the pilgrims and walked(sailed around the school) looking for new land. They were really cute pretending. One boy laid on the ground pretending to die and another student pretending to give pump his stomach for CPR. Oh what creative minds second graders have! When we got back to the room, they had to be the Pilgrims setting up their new land in America and they all went to work establishing their new lives. I love that they are still able to be creative in though and have fun out of nothing!
We also made Indian headdresses on Tuesday and put feathers on it of things we should thank God for. On Wednesday, we put on our hats and headed to the kindergarten room where we helped the kindergarteners make Pilgrim hats. We brought popcorn because they really did have popcorn at the first Thanksgiving(that’s what they say) and we had a feast to thank God for all of his blessings. They were all so cute! I wish I could show you there picture but I can’t because of privacy. Trust me though, they are adorable.
One more school related thing, we are having our Christmas Musical this Saturday(tomorrow). It is a full blown musical like a church would do and the whole school is involved(high schoolers aren’t too excited about this but they half smile and suffer through it.) During the practice the kids did a great job, especially my second graders. They were the best behave of everyone and I am not being biased. After practice I had to go outside to talk to a parent. He spoke in twih so I had to have a translator with me. He explained that he is a Muslim so he doesn’t want his daughter participating in the school program because she would be worshipping two gods and she can only worship Allah. I wanted to tell him that she already worships the real God at school but I was good and kept my mouth closed. I told him that she had been working very hard and it would be nice for her to be able to participate with her friends and have her feel a part of the school. Again, I really wanted to say, we want you there so you will hear the truth and believe but don’t worry I was praying during the conversation so God was keeping me calm. It is so hard to have these conversations because I just want to share the truth with the lost people in the world but it has to be done in a certain way. He told me at the end of the conversation that he would think about Saturday so please pray that she comes! It would be such a blessing to have her there! Also just pray that if there are people there that don’t know your name, they will understand you in a new way as the gospel is presented clearly.