The best expression in the classroom...... when you can actually see the lightbulb shining and their eyes bulging with proud! Now tell me, who else wouldn't jump for joy to watch this happen in the classroom. Some days I focus on how much they still don't know or what I haven't been able to teach them properly but I do need to step back and realize what is actually occuring in the classroom. For instance, this past week I was reading with my lowest group. One of my students always asked what something means without even thinking about it. So I gave him the usual look and right away he said oh yeah, "roofer must mean someone who makes roofs since the suffix er is a person who does the root word." It was like it came from my own mouth! I was so thrilled at the moment I could have gone home then satisfied. The groups have been reading well and now that I have taken a second to step back, I am realizing that they really have come a long way this year. I know I wouldn't be able to do this without God's providance and direction. It is so exciting when the kids are learning and they are excited about it too. We have a good time all together and that is all that matters!
Funny quotes of the week: I was showing the kids a gecko egg when one boy said, "Can we try to hatch it, I'll take a turn sitting on it!" Oh man, you got to laugh some days. I also had another girl who came in this week dead serious, "Miss Sopcisak, did you know I broke my head yesterday? " Well she fell backwards and hit her back but it didn't break but you kow to a seven year, it is serious!
Well, nothing else too exciting at the moment but I will keep you updated! Please know I am praying for you all! May God continue to show you His will throughout this week. Come to His warm embrace for relaxation and comfort. Only his renewing strength will last.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Teaching on the Land
What do you get when you add a shade tree, 20 children, and two teachers? A relaxing afternoon teaching underneath the trees on Auntie Jean's land of course! I hoped you guess that! The building project at Aunti Jeans is in full swing! The floor is being leveled out and some of the outside wall is being built for the pavilion. I can show you more through the pictures. God is definitely working hear to make sure progress happens. It takes a lot more work to do things here as they have to carry the sand in head pans from the creek down below. They must do the same thing with the water also. They then have to mix the cement right on the ground and make the blocks for the building. All of the steps that happen in a blink in America must be carefully thought out here, it just takes longer! While all of this was going on, my friend Kim and I happily sat underneath the tree with the kids who were thankful to take a break. Everyone sat on mats and we pulled out flashcards, dice, paper, pencils, and anything else we could get our hands on. The children were so good and they definitely learned a lot as I taught them how to use touch points instead of counting on their fingers or using tally marks. You can tell that unfortunately, most of these children have not been taught logical ways to do things, it is all through rote memorization which shows them no rhym or reason for anything! Teaching them math(maths as they call it) will be so beneficial for them so they can remember it in a way that will stay with them. I felt at such a peace as I sat in my outdoor classroom amongst nature and workers. I was teaching to the least of these, who don't need fancy technology in the classroom but someone who is willing to sit down under the shade tree and help them. For these children to learn, I am reallizing that I have to meet them at their element, in their own atmosphere, and not force on them the westernized ways of doing things. And think about it, a classroom under a tree is a lot less expensive than one in a building. I have always wanted to teach to the natives so it gives me great pleasure to do so as I still believe that the Lord has this calling for me later down the road. Please continue to pray for donations to come in to Auntie Jean so she can continue with the building. Please pray that the Ghanaians will be trustworthy with the money and that they will build the pavilion according to safety standards. Just yesterday, we were on the land and realized that some of the wall was broken. They wanted to just patch it up but Auntie Jean insisted that they tear the wall down and start again. None of the Ghanaians wanted to do this as it caused more work on everyone but Auntie Jean kept telling them that she has to think of the children first and if they are safe than it was worth the extra effort. Things just aren't done up to standards as in America and they try to cover up their shoddy work. Thank you for all your prayers and for reading my blog. Please keep in contact!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
International Day
Everyone representing Ghana! Do you see the white kid jumping? That is mine! He has only lived in Ghana for two months but he felt like he already belongs. I love that about kids! There are also a lot of Lebanese on the stage and that is because their family has lived in Ghana almost 100 years. 
These ar ethe families from South Africa. We have great families, supportive families from there.
This is kind of blurry but these are our Lebanese students.

Our children and one student from South Korea. They were the most colorful out of all the countries. I love that for traditional clothing, everyone dresses up but we Americans wear a t-shirt and jeans as our "national dress". Oh crazy America!
My own international clan! Aren't they beautiful! With 13 children(two absent at the time) they represent 9 countries. They are the best International Community I could wish for!

This is kind of blurry but these are our Lebanese students.
My own international clan! Aren't they beautiful! With 13 children(two absent at the time) they represent 9 countries. They are the best International Community I could wish for!
Pretty much everyday is International Day at school since we all must interact with people who come from difference cultures, mindsets, and traditions. As we sometimes struggle with interacting, we know that the Lord is refining us as He is using the International church to strengthen His body. Every year at school, we celebrate all of our nationalities and unique backgrounds by learning about the cultures in which we come from. In the morning, each teacher taught the elementary students about a country, using crafts and games to bring that country to life. I taught on Brazil, a country I know a little about after traveling there and I had so much fun as I showed the kids pictures of Iguazu Falls which I have visited. We also took a trip into the Rainforest and got to visit some ferocious animals without getting eaten! I especially enjoyed teaching the first grade class as they will be my students next year. It is a little scary thinking I will have new kids since you get so use to the ones you have but I know the Lord will prepare me for the next adventures when the time is ready. Anyways, after I taught about Brazil 6 times, it was finally time for the best part of the day: lunch!!!!! Okay, so try to understand this. When we have International Food in America, people might cook dishes originally from different countries but they still have an American flare to them, well at least where I am from. However, here, we have the real deal! You name it and we had it at our lunch. We had a lot of Korean and Japanese dishes, a lot of Ghanaian traditional dishes like Fufu(ball of something that you don't chew but swallow), and even Ethiopian food which consists of Injere(flat sourdough break) and arugula. It brought me back to Project Mercy! After lunch, we called up each country that is represented in our school and took their picture. The kids would cheer on each other as they are good at remembering who comes from which place. I don't know exactly how many nations are represented in our school but I know it is over 20. I have 9 nations out of 13 students in my own classroom. Another thing you must understand is that a lot of students have 2 nations as their parents come from different backgrounds. This causes some confusion in their lives as they have passports from two countries but then live in a Ghana. It is always interesting to ask the students where they are from because they hesitate and tell you something that is somewhat half true just because it is easier to say that. Oh the International Community. Anyways, it was very special to see all of the countries represented and for the children to be proud of their countries. We have two girls whose mother is from Haiti so they got the biggest applause which was well respectable and bought chills down my spine. Can you guess which country had the most people? I hoped you guessed Ghana because you would be correct! America probably had the second most since all of the teachers are from there. God's church is international and I jsut have a taste of what it is like to be worshipping with God's universal church. I am very thankful to be learning from my brothers and sisters with different view points and to be able to share my relationship with Christ with those around me. AIS is a small way in which the nations are hearing the message and I pray that we never lose sight of that vision.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Broken and Beautiful
This is a picture of some of the children in William's village. They were very curious with us as it was there first time seing white people. The children we so free and happy here. I know I want to work in a village setting one day to help with a stronger education.

Okay, so this looks a lot worse than it really is but it looks gruesome! All I had to cover the bleeding with was leaves so it left it messy looking. A little souvenir after hiking!
Faith and I on top of Mt. Gemi, the second highest point in Ghana.
The girls, a random lady, and William our driver at the top of Mt. Gemi. We are sitting at the foot of the cross, where we belong.
On top of Mt. Wli with the gang and our walking sticks. We wouldn't have made it up without them. The gorgeous mist of the fall was well worth the treck up. 
This is a week old, so not the past week but the week before that. The week definitely started with brokenness as someone said something that hurt my feelings. This is not this persons fault but it just brought back old memories and I lost it. I ended up getting at school and just falling on my knees before the Lord. It was so good to be broken and fall on my face before the Lord as I don't put him first. Don't worry, I am fine but it is good to share my struggles as we all deal with problems. Fortunately, we have the greatest comforter of all, Jesus Christ. In my weakness, He gives me the strength. Through that experience I just felt uplifted the entire week and renewed in the Lord. I have a thick brain but I am thankful that God will continue to break me to see his beauty and power.
On the same day, I met with a parent and she was telling me that her daughter loves going to school. Even when there is a lot of traffic and she wants to turn around and not come, her daughter begs her to still make it to school because she loves it so much! She also told me that she is kind of religious but her daughter is always telling her to pray to the Lord and trust in Him. She is my biggest prayer warrior and she always prays for her whole family, unsaved people, Haiti, and anything inbetween. God is good! The next day, I asked her in the hallway if she knew what it meant to believe in Jesus Christ and she walked me through the salvation message. She told me she had trusted the Lord and she asks him everynight. Well this isn't exactly the way it is, but she is on the right track and you can see the Lord working!
One of my favorite things after school is to talk to the kids on the street. They light up my life when I am bogged down by the stresses of school. I either twirl them or race them or they ask me if I am tired. Sometimes they even carry my things for me which I reward them with a biscuit(cookie). I might have told you earlier but I have been giving them paper books that I print off from reading a to z. THey love it even though it is just paper. They are all unstapled and dirty by the time they read them to me but they still have them. They cherish them so much. On Tuesdays after Kids Club they stay and read them to me. They are doing pretty well. However, they broke my heart when they ask me to come to school and teach them. Oh how I wish this was possible! One day I only game them one book and they complained. It isn't like my kids where they just want the best, they just earn for books so bad. I complain that I don't have any books in my classroom but I at least have more than the kids in the government schools. Every morning they come out, "sister Christy, do you have the books?" I am so embarrased when I have forgotten them at school. How I want to help these children excel as they want to be nurses someday and that will be only possible if they can pay school fees which right now they are squatters in a house. These children do give me Joy when I am drained and I am so thankful for them in my life.
We had Friday off just because I guess so we decided to travel to the Volta Region which Cathy and I went to over Christmas. It was fun to share this beautiful place with my friends and to feel closer to Cathy since we shared so many memories there. It was the right beautifulness that I needed to strengthen and rejuvenate me. We had our driver, William, come with us which was so fun! He is from that region so he had so much to share with us! Every bush and tree, flower, you name it he had a name for it. As we hiked Mt. Gemi, I started to fret as I knew we needed to find a path off the road to take the more scenic route. However, I missed it towards the beginning and instead took the road all the way up. Ooops! I kept telling William, "ask those people if we are going the right way." Of course he assured me that we were. Me of little faith! We did make it up to the top and it was gorgeous like before. We rested for a long time and just took in the beauty of the surrounding area, watching soccer games go on below us. I love the cross at the top, because when we were going up, we had to fix our eyes on the cross to make sure we were going the right way. At the top, William said that if the trumpets sounded, we would be the first ones to go to Heaven! He is so great. This is actually the second highest point in Ghana which still isnt' that high. Right when we got back, it began to storm, the heavens opened up and God showered us with His blessings. How beautiful and relaxing. They next day, we hiked up to Wli Falls which Cathy and I ran out of time to climb last time. It was very strenuous but worth the treck up. There was a peaceful waterfall up at the top with an inviting pool of water. We didn't get in but instead enjoyed lunch and the mist from the falls. I could just breath out there and it was so peaceful. Even though we were working hard, I felt relaxed and satisfied seeing God's beauty. On the way down, I surfed on a rock and it came back and jabbed me in the leg. I hope you don't get too grossed out from the picture because it really wasn't that bad. It just ended up like that since we had to put a leaf on it to stop the bleeding. It looks cool though! Afterwards, William took us to his village which was the highlight of our trip as we met his family, the elders of the village, and the chief. Some of the kids were curious with us but stayed there distance. We then found out that they had never seen white people before, just on TV. I eventually got them to ome closer to me and we ended up dancing down the road. I taught them some fun camp games even though some would not come close to me. We represented a new race to them and it was nerve racking. William was so happy and I am so glad that we were able to help him see his family. When we were talking on the way up to Wli Falls, he told me how we all help each other. He is okay with white people coming to Africa because we have started hospitals, churches, and schools. He said that he had never been to Wli Falls or Mt. Gemi even though he was from that area but here were girls from America who were able to show him something new about his region. I wish I could have recorded his words as they were so powerful. I think you just need to come here and experience it for yourself. So come on over, you can parachute down from the airplane to my house since it goes right over.
God continues to show his sovereignty as he breaks me at my weakest point and then shows His Glory through the Beauty. I pray that you can feel the embrace of God as he continuously opens his arms to Us even when we run away. Fall on your face before the Lord and break away the bondage to find the warm comfort of the Lord.
On the same day, I met with a parent and she was telling me that her daughter loves going to school. Even when there is a lot of traffic and she wants to turn around and not come, her daughter begs her to still make it to school because she loves it so much! She also told me that she is kind of religious but her daughter is always telling her to pray to the Lord and trust in Him. She is my biggest prayer warrior and she always prays for her whole family, unsaved people, Haiti, and anything inbetween. God is good! The next day, I asked her in the hallway if she knew what it meant to believe in Jesus Christ and she walked me through the salvation message. She told me she had trusted the Lord and she asks him everynight. Well this isn't exactly the way it is, but she is on the right track and you can see the Lord working!
One of my favorite things after school is to talk to the kids on the street. They light up my life when I am bogged down by the stresses of school. I either twirl them or race them or they ask me if I am tired. Sometimes they even carry my things for me which I reward them with a biscuit(cookie). I might have told you earlier but I have been giving them paper books that I print off from reading a to z. THey love it even though it is just paper. They are all unstapled and dirty by the time they read them to me but they still have them. They cherish them so much. On Tuesdays after Kids Club they stay and read them to me. They are doing pretty well. However, they broke my heart when they ask me to come to school and teach them. Oh how I wish this was possible! One day I only game them one book and they complained. It isn't like my kids where they just want the best, they just earn for books so bad. I complain that I don't have any books in my classroom but I at least have more than the kids in the government schools. Every morning they come out, "sister Christy, do you have the books?" I am so embarrased when I have forgotten them at school. How I want to help these children excel as they want to be nurses someday and that will be only possible if they can pay school fees which right now they are squatters in a house. These children do give me Joy when I am drained and I am so thankful for them in my life.
We had Friday off just because I guess so we decided to travel to the Volta Region which Cathy and I went to over Christmas. It was fun to share this beautiful place with my friends and to feel closer to Cathy since we shared so many memories there. It was the right beautifulness that I needed to strengthen and rejuvenate me. We had our driver, William, come with us which was so fun! He is from that region so he had so much to share with us! Every bush and tree, flower, you name it he had a name for it. As we hiked Mt. Gemi, I started to fret as I knew we needed to find a path off the road to take the more scenic route. However, I missed it towards the beginning and instead took the road all the way up. Ooops! I kept telling William, "ask those people if we are going the right way." Of course he assured me that we were. Me of little faith! We did make it up to the top and it was gorgeous like before. We rested for a long time and just took in the beauty of the surrounding area, watching soccer games go on below us. I love the cross at the top, because when we were going up, we had to fix our eyes on the cross to make sure we were going the right way. At the top, William said that if the trumpets sounded, we would be the first ones to go to Heaven! He is so great. This is actually the second highest point in Ghana which still isnt' that high. Right when we got back, it began to storm, the heavens opened up and God showered us with His blessings. How beautiful and relaxing. They next day, we hiked up to Wli Falls which Cathy and I ran out of time to climb last time. It was very strenuous but worth the treck up. There was a peaceful waterfall up at the top with an inviting pool of water. We didn't get in but instead enjoyed lunch and the mist from the falls. I could just breath out there and it was so peaceful. Even though we were working hard, I felt relaxed and satisfied seeing God's beauty. On the way down, I surfed on a rock and it came back and jabbed me in the leg. I hope you don't get too grossed out from the picture because it really wasn't that bad. It just ended up like that since we had to put a leaf on it to stop the bleeding. It looks cool though! Afterwards, William took us to his village which was the highlight of our trip as we met his family, the elders of the village, and the chief. Some of the kids were curious with us but stayed there distance. We then found out that they had never seen white people before, just on TV. I eventually got them to ome closer to me and we ended up dancing down the road. I taught them some fun camp games even though some would not come close to me. We represented a new race to them and it was nerve racking. William was so happy and I am so glad that we were able to help him see his family. When we were talking on the way up to Wli Falls, he told me how we all help each other. He is okay with white people coming to Africa because we have started hospitals, churches, and schools. He said that he had never been to Wli Falls or Mt. Gemi even though he was from that area but here were girls from America who were able to show him something new about his region. I wish I could have recorded his words as they were so powerful. I think you just need to come here and experience it for yourself. So come on over, you can parachute down from the airplane to my house since it goes right over.
God continues to show his sovereignty as he breaks me at my weakest point and then shows His Glory through the Beauty. I pray that you can feel the embrace of God as he continuously opens his arms to Us even when we run away. Fall on your face before the Lord and break away the bondage to find the warm comfort of the Lord.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Math Month Madness
Instead of March madness I have created my own madness of math. Yippee! Auntie Jean is teachng the children math this month so we can have a competition at the end to test their skills. I have volunteered(not stupidly but willingly!) to be in charge which equals a lot of work but it is worth it! Yesterday the kids came back to Auntie Jean's since the Christmas program as she took the month of January off. We didn't have too many but I know more will start coming. My friend and I went around and had them answer math questions on dry erase boards which they were more than willing to do since they were dry erase boards! The kids would count by making tally marks and then adding them all so we have a lot of work to do. It is hard to get my kids to pay attention when I give them popsicle sticks to count or other manipulatives but imagine trying to get children to learn when they have never used materials before or when they don't understand you in English! It reminds me of being in Ethiopia again I know with all of our hard work we will make it happen. I just pray that the kids will make progress! So please keep this in your prayers if you think of it! Or if you have any great ideas for me to use! I am using my things from my classroom which I don' mind but I know it will get ruined pretty fast as they put things in their mouth or jus get dirt on them. You just never know where their hands have been but you just don't think about it.
Last Wednesday, my kids led chapel. We used past VBS songs that Cathy sent me. It was so fun and I felt like in my element. I love that my kids get so into it and are so joyful. My theme is the Joy of the Lord so obviously we had to sing a song about JOY! For our own special we did the "Blind Man Song" and acted it out. This is a camp song and the kids did such a great job. I will post the pictures with this blog. I can't help but post their pictures since they are so cute!
Oh this blog is three weeks old, the wonderful internet has been fantastic with connection. More are coming your way. Thanks for reading my blog, I am praying for all of you!
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