The best expression in the classroom...... when you can actually see the lightbulb shining and their eyes bulging with proud! Now tell me, who else wouldn't jump for joy to watch this happen in the classroom. Some days I focus on how much they still don't know or what I haven't been able to teach them properly but I do need to step back and realize what is actually occuring in the classroom. For instance, this past week I was reading with my lowest group. One of my students always asked what something means without even thinking about it. So I gave him the usual look and right away he said oh yeah, "roofer must mean someone who makes roofs since the suffix er is a person who does the root word." It was like it came from my own mouth! I was so thrilled at the moment I could have gone home then satisfied. The groups have been reading well and now that I have taken a second to step back, I am realizing that they really have come a long way this year. I know I wouldn't be able to do this without God's providance and direction. It is so exciting when the kids are learning and they are excited about it too. We have a good time all together and that is all that matters!
Funny quotes of the week: I was showing the kids a gecko egg when one boy said, "Can we try to hatch it, I'll take a turn sitting on it!" Oh man, you got to laugh some days. I also had another girl who came in this week dead serious, "Miss Sopcisak, did you know I broke my head yesterday? " Well she fell backwards and hit her back but it didn't break but you kow to a seven year, it is serious!
Well, nothing else too exciting at the moment but I will keep you updated! Please know I am praying for you all! May God continue to show you His will throughout this week. Come to His warm embrace for relaxation and comfort. Only his renewing strength will last.
I LOOOVVVEEE the comment about the kid wanting to sit on the egg. Awesome! We have awesome jobs! God is good. Oh...and I love you, miss Christy Darling! :)