Relaxing at the beach under the umbrella and reading good books. What more could you want?
Last Sunday night, my fellow teacher and I were sitting down or dinner at the businnes manager's home when we got a bitter sweet phone call: the health department was shutting us down for two days due to illnesses. My initials thought were; I have so much to teach them, how am I going to get it all done! And thinking of a day stuck at home didn't seem too appealing to me either . However, I was getting over bronchitis and didn't have much of a voice so it was nice to have the extra two days to rest my voice so I could actually yell at my kids. Just kidding! You know me better, I would never yell at my kids! I am the perfect example of a teacher! Okay, sorry, getting carried away. So I spent our first day off doing a puzzle with m roomate and watching Psych episodes until I found out that I could help with the library at school. The director's wife said I should be on drugs to calm down and not do as much but I am here in Africa to serve so I might as well do as much as possible. Well, I ended up not being that sacrificial as I met the director's wife and the project manager managerat the school. They asked me to go out with them to run errands and just be away and my weaknesses gave in so I went. It was nice to be out with them on a Monday as I enjoyed our conversations. Well, didn’t get much done but I guess I should be able to enjoy a day off! The next day we went to school as an in-service day and found out that the health department was shutting us down for the rest of the week! Oh, not good at all as I have things to teach my kids especially with standardized testing coming up. However, the Lord of course showed me that it was a blessing as I was able to get a lot of things more organized in my classroom. You would think that in a small room I wouldn’t have room for clutter but somehow I am able to accumulate a lot in there. My excuse is that I don’t have any room to put anything so I just make piles. We worked at school Tuesday and Thursday and then we had Friday off. You should be so proud of me because it was my idea to go to the beach with my roommate. She hasn’t been out much so I wanted to do something different. I figured out the trotro route and we found ourselves on a pretty clean beach staring off into the mighty ways of the Atlantic Ocean. There is something about water that is so soothing and refreshing! As we stood there, watching these enormous waves roll in, we realized how powerful and almighty our God really is to have created such amazing wonders in the world. Every second, a new wave come towards shore, just as powerful as the one before. They are magnificent to look at but dangerous to be a part of. God created the powerful mighty waves and it is a perfect example to us of how might and powerful He really is. For the God who separated the waters from the land, also created us and sent his son to die on the cross for our sins. It was a beautiful reminder on a refreshing day when we should have been at school.
I complained this summer when everyone was having snow days that I wanted a sweat day but having this day off was better than a snow day because we could go to the beach. Okay, so really I am jealous of snow days but I am trying to justify it in my mind. It is unfortunate that many kids were sick and it will be hard to get back into the swing of things on Tuesday. Please pray that the sicknesses have subsided and that it will not spread anymore.
Psalm 93:3-5 3 The floods have lifted up, O LORD, The floods have lifted up their voice; The floods lift up their waves. 4 The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, Than the mighty waves of the sea. 5 Your testimonies are very sure; Holiness adorns Your house, O LORD, forever.
I complained this summer when everyone was having snow days that I wanted a sweat day but having this day off was better than a snow day because we could go to the beach. Okay, so really I am jealous of snow days but I am trying to justify it in my mind. It is unfortunate that many kids were sick and it will be hard to get back into the swing of things on Tuesday. Please pray that the sicknesses have subsided and that it will not spread anymore.
Psalm 93:3-5 3 The floods have lifted up, O LORD, The floods have lifted up their voice; The floods lift up their waves. 4 The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, Than the mighty waves of the sea. 5 Your testimonies are very sure; Holiness adorns Your house, O LORD, forever.
Psalm 89:9 9 You rule the raging of the sea; When its waves rise, You still them.
Independence Day!
Happy Independence Day as of yesterday! You might be thinking, but Christy it isn’t July yet but you must remember I live in Ghana! I did a little research like a real journalist so I could enlighten you on how Ghana became independent. Britain ruled Ghana as the Gold Coast Colony but after the second world war they started to lose interest in their large empire. At the same time, African nationalists in the Gold Coast region were building power to become their own nation as this was the area with the largest population of educated people. The leader of this movement was Kwame Nkrumah who was put in prison several times by the British for trying to start revolts. In 1954, Nkrumah became Prime Minister and on March 6, 1957 he helped Ghana declare that they were officially independent of British rule. They were the first sub-saharan country to get their independence which they are still really proud of. Ghana’s foreign policy was then focused on helping other African countries gain their independence as they wanted the whole continent to be separate nations. By 1966, Nkrumah had made a socialist nation so with the help of the US, the military staged a coup d’etat to overthrow him. Busia became the president who is no longer alive but his granddaughter goes to our school. So many crazy connections! Anyways, although Ghana has a democracy, there is so much corruption in politics such as having huge houses that they don’t use or owning mountains which is across from Auntie Jean’s land. I was talking to a taxi driver today about how I like Ghana and the people and he said to me, “But don’t you think there is a lot of corruption.” I said I didn’t want to respond because I didn’t know enough about it to make a statement but that the people I meet are very kind. I then said, “so you think the government is corrupt.” He answered very quickly with, “ I don’t think, I know.” There you have it, from the mouth of a taxi driver which are pretty smart! As good Ghanaians, we decided to celebrate Independence Day by going to a suitable location, Independence Square. Makes sense right? Well, when we got there, the huge parade had already subsided so there wasn’t much to do except for watch all of the Ghanaians and walk around. The square has a huge monument with 1957 up at the top. Then there is a large ampitheater with stands. I guess that is where the parade happened. The president lit the perpetual flame on the square but when we got there just a couple of hours later, the flame was already gone. I guess it isn’t too perpetual after all or they decided it was a waste of gas since there is a shortage in the area. You can be the judge. The ocean is right behind the square so we walked behind it to go down to the beach. There were hundreds, seriously, of Ghanaians standing around or playing in the water. You can see for yourselves in the pictures! It was crazy so we did the only sensible thing we knew, we stood right by the water, surrounded by Ghanaians playing Catch Phrase in a circle. That made for a crowd around us for sure! In all seriousness, Ghana is a well developing country which is very proud of its roots and strong will to become independent. I am so thankful to be surrounded by kind people who are willing to show me where to go and who want to talk about their country in which they are proud of. Yes, they understand there is corruption but they also have the hope that Ghana will rise above this and equality will be possible for all.
Okay, one more thing. I went to Asbury today for church which I haven’t been to in awhile. The music there is incredible as people are just so happy to praise the Lord and dance in his sanctuary. Okay, watching this obrunei dance is not that exciting but it just feels good to let loose and really praise the Lord with all my being. So I challenge you on this Sunday to dance in the aisles and really praise the Lord with all that you are. Normally, I am one who is pretty rigid in worship but I am learning here that worshipping the Lord should be a joyful occasion. I heard a song today that I hadn’t heard since Christmas with Cathy and we loved it so much. Me writing the lyrics does not do the song justice but think of a Reggae or Salsa flare to these words and it is amazing.
When my heart is overwhelmed,
Lead me to the Rock,
That is higher than I,
That is higher than I.
If you really want to know how it goes, I can sing it to you over the phone but I won’t do it justice. You should just come here and listen to it yourself! Then during the sermon, the pastor talked about running and cleaning towards the rock and how magnificent the rock is. It was a well thought out sermon and helped me understand that this is my purpose in life, to seek after the rock and stand firmly planted on it. It isn’t about me at all, I am here to serve my King in whatever capacity he requires of me. What a great reminder. Here is the scripture passage that goes with the song. Who knew that Christians songs were taken straight from the scripture? Makes sense! Okay, I am kidding, I promise.
Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer.
2 From the end of the earth I will cry to You,
When my heart is overwhelmed;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
3 For You have been a shelter for me, A strong tower from the enemy Psalm 61:1-3
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