Saturday, April 24, 2010

One day at a time

So, must admit that I have nothing interesting to blog about it this week so I will keep it short even though I said that last week and it was still long! When you think about it, it is fascinating that people read what I write every week since it is just my life. When did that become interesting? Don't get me wrong, I love that people read it but my life isn't any more exciting than anyone elses. So, write down all about you and I will read it also! I do appreciate the support and you all wanting to know how the Lord is reaching Ghana because He is working here and in many places around the world. It is crazy to think that we are just one small part of his large amazing plan!

So, I am learning to embrace each day and enjoy it as now everything is pretty much routine. God has placed these children in my care and it is my responsibility to show Love at all times. Monday, my students and I decided to have a sweating contest and I think we broke the new world record for gallons of sweat lost in one day! In fact, we had so much fun that we played the game on Tuesday and partially on Wednesday. Never a dull moment in second grade. Alright, the truth is my air conditioner did not work and was actually blowing out hot air! In that little room with so many bodies, the place turns into an oven pretty fast! We were all dripping by lunchtime and we collapsed outside the first and third grade rooms where it felt like the artic to us. There are humorous moments when you are sweating and trying to teach or learn. For example the kids will be playing with manipulatives and then all of a sudden lose them. "Miss Sopcisak, I can't find my paper!" Check you arm! And low and behold their paper is stuck to their arm where evidence of sweating is left on the table. The boys deal with the issue by sticking plastic counters on their head which still quite nicely! This is unsanitary but sometimes you just have to do the unimageinable to get by. My kids were real troopers through it all even though it was not conducive for their learning. However, it does make for some good memories!
God is showing himself in mighty ways as Faith, the third grade teacher, spoke in chapel on Wednesday about salvation. Afterwards, there was a four year old who asked why Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. The Lord is moving!

Please pray for our high schoolers as they are dealing with deaths, friendships, lack of parent involvement, and lonliness. It takes so much energy to teach all day and pour into these hurting teenagers. The harvest is plentiful and the workers few, so we must work hard!

On Friday, Mr. Crosby came to observe me. The kids behaved so well, wished he would have stayed all day since they were crazy in the afternoon! After Thursday, where all of them forgot how to read, I was nervous about what my students had actually learned this year. However, the lightbulbs all came on during Friday. It was an enjoyable Friday morning as Mr. Crosby observed my students reading, following directions to make mirrors, and memorizing poetry. I even had my students who normally don't like to work, read poetry very dramatically. Whatever makes them happy! I know my teaching methods aren't the best but I am doing the best I can and enjoying every minute. Just have to remember that from moment to moment.

One of the students who normally tells me I am the worst teacher, prays that I won't talk too much, and only likes school when we do food stuff, wrote an acrostic poem about me. I was so touched. I konw you want to hear it!
Opposite of dumb
Pretty like a flower

Well, okay, he left out some letters but definitely an A+ for trying. It really meant a lot, especially coming from this student. I know my satisfaction doesn't come from the edification of my students, but it certainly helps and it is cute. The girls of course, shower me with compliments but don't worry, I am trying to not get a big head over it!

I have just started tutoring a student on Saturday mornings. He is not confident in his English ability so I am just suppose to talk with him and help build up his self-Esteem. I can handle talking! I went to his home today and just sat on their living floor trying to get him to talk. I usually have the opposite problem in my classrom so I am not use to this but he is such a nice boy and I just pray that I can help with his English vocabulary knowledge so he can gain confidence and play more with the kids. As we sat on the floor, the cook brought us a try of ice tea and a China plate of Japanese cookies. It was so nice and out of the ordinary for me to be in a regular house.

So this afternoon, my girls down the street came over for more books. They read to me in their broken English which they are actually good at. It is just hard because they don't have a lot of schema for what they read and I try to explain it as best that I can. They get so excited looking at the pictures and spending time with me. I told them that next weekend I will take the two of them up to Auntie Jean's so they can pick out their own books. They are so excited about this and I can't wait to show them a plethora of books. They are expecting a lare building even though I told them it is a container but it is still more books than they have ever seen. Please pray that I get them there and back safely and yes, I am bringing someone with me to help.

There is only 5 weeks of regular school left but I must keep persevering until the end. These kids deserve my best all the time! Please pray that we all hang in there until the end.

Breaking News!!!!! It rained this afternoon and afterwards it was glorious! It was so cold that I put on a sweater to go outside. That was the first time I have worn a jacket in Ghana and it felt so good. Granite, when we came back, I had to take it off but for the moment I loved my life! Oh I can't wait to wear long sleeves for a long period of time. So sorry if you want the summer to be warm, but selfishly speaking, I would like a little colder weather when I am home.

Okay, I have bored you long enough, I will try to be more interesting next week!

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