Don't even ask me how many days I have left in Ghana because I have no idea. I didn't even realize that June was coming so soon and school was almost finished. I just have been living in the moment, and not looking towards the future. Alright, I hope none of you are still believing this lie because although this is the fantasy I would love to live in, this is not all truthful. Yes, I do love my job, the kids, my life here but there is a nagging at my heart that yearns to be back to familiarity and family in America. To be honest, it is a scary thought as I have been gone for 10 months. It is just different here and I have forgotten a lot about America. I am not looking forward to our culture, but I will learn to embrace it for the time I am home. I will embrace all those I am blessed to know and who have been great encouragers to me all my life. Afterall, I would not be here without all of your support and guidance during my life. God is good all the time!
Time is quickly dwindling so I am trying to make the most of every situation and keep my kids busy in class. Above, you will see a couple of pictures of us making no bake cookies in class since we talked about the process of making chocolate. Ghana is the second largest exporter of chocolate and I have seen the process in villages. I had an amazing conversation with the kids as they thought it was unfair how the big CEO's of hershey make all the money and do no work, while the pickers make pennies. "But Miss Sopcisak, don't the farmers get some of the chocolate from the factory?" "But Miss Sopcisak, they are working hard while the people in the factory just push buttons. " My favorite one, " Miss Sopcisak, the people owning the chocolate factories are not showing love to their neighbours likes the Bible said because if they were, then they would share their profit with the farmers who don't have one." If only the world was ran by children. They see it much more logically than adults do! This week, we were talking about matter and how all living things are made up of matter that has matter. They wanted to know who has a larger mass, God or Jesus. Well, good question. Then we went into the three in one which is hard to wrap any brain around. This is the moment when you pray hard for the Lord to give you an answer but it is okay to say, I'm not sure, you will have to ask God when you get to Heaven, something for them to look forward to!
This past week has been emotionally draining as I have had to deal with a disciplinary action three times in four school days. I cannot go into details but please pray for my class and this student as he understands the magnitude of his behavior. It has taken a toll on me but thankfully I have the strength of Christ to get me through and the beauty of the other children. They are jumping with glee for the chance to be finished with school, which hurts, but I know deep down inside they have enjoyed this year. Well, I hope so anyway. It is hard to let them go since they are my first class but I have seen them improve tremendously and I am proud of them. Today, we made a fruit salad since we were learning about mixtures in science. Oh, the fruit is so good here. It is such a relaxed atmosphere to pass around fruit, and talk. Seriously, teaching is the best job because it isn't a job at all since I just have fun all day long. Okay, there are moments where my tune is different, but for the most part, I love my days.
On Tuesday, we had a surprise for our kid's club as we gave them donated clothes from children in our school which meant nice, expensive clothing. Most of the kids were very appreciative of the new clothes while others wanted to trade for something better. I guess kids are the same everywhere, never satisfied even when what they get is better than their worn, tattered, and dull t-shirts. Next week will be the last kid's club as we hand out bibles and underwear, you know, the necessities! These children have been a joy spot in my life as I can hear "sister Christy" from anywhere and they are so excited to come on Tuesday. They teach me to play clapping and stomping games that require too much coordination for me which I create more intertainment for them with my ridiculousness. They even bring laughter in the morning as I walk to school and put boxes on each others heads as we try to make our way down the street. Oh I am sure we are a sight but we are joyful and enjoying each moment so what more could you want in life? It is good to reflect all these happy moments as it is easy to get bogged down by the stress of everything, especially with the stress of leaving soon. However, we keep our eyes fixed on Christ who gives us the contagious job we must show to all.
I pray for a JOYFUL DAY basking in God's goodness
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