Here is a lot of random pictures that I have been meaning to put up but haven't yet. Enjoy! The one above is at Pram Pram where we go once a month to lead Sunday School. The kids are making lion masks for Daniel and hte Lion's den.
This beautiful face was captured at Children of the Light. The eyes say it all.
These are all the ice cream and water sachets that have been cleaned and are drying before they are made into something. Their slogan, "fantastic in plastic." It is a great way to recycle and give people an opportunity to work.
A rain jacket out of plastic sachet bags that are normally filled with water. How appropriate. This one is a little small but Faith and I might have one made for our size!
The ladies at Trashy bags sewing up a storm of sachets. They are making large grocery bags.
This is a really nice picture of the front of our school. On the left, you see a tall tower. That is the tower for the stairs so kids can get up to our third story. We are growing but there is not much more room for us.
Pin the tail on the donkey during our fiesta. I missed miserably!
Oops the same picture is above!
Another picture of our school. This one shows all the flage that surround the complex. We have 30 countries represented here.
I just love Ghana for almost getting run over by trotros all the time, being greeted by men in their underwear on my street, random people being willing to help us, crazy excited ladies selling us pineapple, watching thieves run down the street, and little girls yelling "sister Christy" while there in a tub of water with suds all over their body. Never a dull moment in Ghana!
Last week I shared how a little muslim girl wrote a song about Christ and put herself in it to actually receive Christ's sacrifice(even though she doesn't believe in it Ha!). The amazing stories continue. My one little boy, who is quite the evangelist, asked another muslim girl if she was a Christian and believed in Christ. She told him yes so he quickly proceeded to call out, "Miss Sopcisak, come quick, we have a champion over here. She has accepted Christ!" I asked the girl if this was true and she told me yes then I asked if she knew what that meant and she said no. We then spent time in the hallway together where she told me that she truly did believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for her sins and he rose again so we can spend forever in Heaven. Amen! I don't think she entirely grasps it, but it is a start and God is working in amazing ways. I just have to be faithful in following through and asking this girl about the truth she is beginning to believe in. My little missionary friend learned his first lesson in tactful missions on Friday. We had just finished taking our spelling test and the kids began the scores they received. I told them we don't share each others scores because we all have strengths and weaknesse and it is up to us to help each other in different area. My little boy said, " yeah even though (girl in class) and I don't have the same god, I would never go up to he and say, (girl name) you believe in Allah and not God so you are going to hell." It was one of those moments where you could see it coming but there was nothing to do about it. It was out of the mouth before I could stop it. My first reaction was to laugh which I knew was wrong but I tend to laugh when I there are intense moments like that. I told the boy that we should not say that and it was inappropriate in school. He truly has a pure heart, he just might not go about it in the right way all the time.
Last week we didn't have water again at the house because the city water wasn't on like usual. In the morning, I must have turned on the sink and then forgot to turn it back off since nothing came out of it. Well, I definitely remembered when I got home late that night. You know those TV shows where they actually flood the bathroom and it looks so hilarious that you kind of want it to happen to you? Well my wish finally came true as I got to go wading through the crisp crystal clear creek right in the comforts of my own home. So at 10:00 p.m I had the opportunity to bail out my bathroom with cups from the inch deep water. Luckily Daniel our guard helped me. What a blessing he is even when I do something ridiculous. At least it is a good story!
Last Sunday we had the Fiesta at our house which proved to be a fantastico! We had an amazing
dinner plus we played pathetic but enjoyable games like pin the tale on the donkey, the limbo, and even danced to the hokey pokey. I was laughing hysterically on the last song as even the director and his wife were participating. This is what happens when you are surrounded by the same people all the time and you don't get out much plus the stress of school. I love that we can goof around and have clean fun as the body of Christ. This past Friday we had a day off since grades were due and we have parent teacher conferences on Monday and Tuesday afternoon. Please pray for me with this as it is nerve racking talking to parents as I tend to sugar coat everything. Luckily I wrote everything down so I could stay on the script and be truthful. Honestly, my kids are doing a great and sometimes I worry that I am too easy. Time will tell! We spent the morning going to Trashy Bags which recycles small plastic pouches that hold water, juice and ice cream in to use for purses, bags, and duffel bags. I had never been there before and we were glad we went. It is such a geat opportunity for people to have a job and people on the street can even bring in the trash for a profit. For people to survive in Ghana, there must by equal opportunity for all people. Trashy bags is helping the environment, local street people, and parents to generate an income to support their families. It seems like menial labor and it is but Ghana is all about making ends meet no matter what the cost is.
After being here for over two months, I finally found the time to take the girls down the street to Auntie Jean's house. They have been begging for weeks to go to the library and I finally was able to act on my promise. They were so happy checking out books as they grabbed anything they could put their hands on. They desperately hunger for knowledge and books which seems like ordinary coffee table center pieces in homes all across America. The kids are also working on Christmas dictions for the concert which my two actively paricipated in coloring, cutting, and glueing. At he end when everyone was cleaning up, the girls went to find a broom so they could help just as much. These two girls are definitely precious and it is my desre to continue to work with them so they can aspire to be whatever they want to. They were so well behaved even though Medina(market) was stressful on the way back as the line for trotros was extremely long and the taxis were all taken. We almost got ran over a couple of times but we luckily found one that took us all the way home. God answers prayers even though it took awhile.
I came across a verse this week which has really helped me realize my reason for living and who I desire to please. I usually read NKJV but I had my new living translation version and this particular verse woke me up in a new way in this version.
"Obviously, we are not trying to win the approval of men but of God, if pleasing men were our goal, we would not be Christ's servant." Galatians 1:10 I am a people please but I am realizing that the only one I have to please is Christ and my desire is to walk after his desire.
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