Friday, September 9, 2011

Blessings at the right moment

Does God know how to love us or what? Yes, I know this but it is so encouraging that the Lord is willing to hear my pety cries when it is just one of those days. On Monday, I started having doubts about my teaching abilities. Who knows why I picked that day but it just occurred to me that maybe I push too much and don't help them understand enough. I asked one of the teachers whose daughter was in my class last year and her third daughter is in my class this year. She just gave me assurance and told me to give it to the Lord. I spent time giving up these worries to the Lord and in return he blessed me with a wonderful day. The kids were well behaved and we got a lot accomplished but enjoyed it at the same time. After school, a parent came up to me and told me thanks. I was wondering why and she said because she was afraid her daughter wouldn't like my class since she loved first grade so much but she loves second grade. Not that I needed a boost of confidence but it does help once in awhile. God was definitely assuring me that He does get me through the rough patches but not only does he get me through, he gives me comfort above of what I expected. Thank you Lord! The parent who I had talked to earlier in the day told me her daughter came home that night and was telling her all she learned that day about mental math and the plagues the Egyptians endured. She was encouraged to share this with me and yes it help. I guess that God constantly needs to remind me that through my inadequacies, He is never failing and brings hope to every situation. What a blessing it is to have Christ on our side, always! Amen!

My little ones are precious and we are learning how to enjoy each other each moment. I wish I could write down all the hilarious things they say but it is hard to do in the moment. At the beginning of the week, we ran out of time one day to do bible and they were upset. "What, no bible?" "I need to hear God's word!" "I need to read it and listen to it." It was such a child-like faith moment and they helped me realize the importance of sharing Christ with them continually. One day we got on the topic of salvation and I shared the gospel with them. Some of them said acted like they were praying right then to Christ but not sure how real it was. I know that God works in all situations. Please pray for my kids as some do not go to church or believe it is more on a works basis than salvation.

In random news, we had a mouse in a house as we appropiately named Ralph, you know from "Ralph and the Motorcycle!"If you haven't read it you can come to second grade! Anyways, I saw it Monday during dinner and didn't say anything as it ran by apparently on a mission. However, on Wednesday when I found a chewed pineapple on the counter, I realized this was a bigger problem! Daniel, our guard set a trap and I jumped to the sound of it going off around 11 p.m that night! He heard it from outside and I let him in the back way as I was not going into the kitchen. Sorry for the details, but apparently there was a lot of blood and Ralph was huge which took away to dispose of him. I tried to put it as nicely as possible! I love that there is never a dull moment in Ghana!

In other random news, one of my soccer girls wants to run in a half marathon in two weeks but she wants my camaraderie. I have never wanted to run before but I figured I am in Ghana and might as well take chances when they come. Two of the guy teachers are running as well and so far we haven't collapsed after two days of running. I am just praying we make it through and will definitely keep you posted.

I pray everyone has enjoyed the weekend and will never forget to Have the Joy of the Lord!

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