Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Memories

Today marked a new adventure for AIS as the elementary students played two soccer matches against other schools for the first time. The scores do not match with the caliber of the students' play as they did try their best. They have never played on a large field before and had a hard time with positioning but they did their best until the end. The goals we did score were fantastic and done by some players who were really trying. In the long run, we were very proud of the players and excited to offer more chances for our students to compete and and work together to accomplish a goal.

I guess this week was filled with soccer craziness as on Tuesday while we celebrated Independence Day in Ghana. Josiah and I each coached a team of 5th-8th graders. Again, the scores weren't the greatest, but it was a fun day to share our talents and play the greatest game. After the small tournament, there was a showcase game of the high school players around Accra. We had three students representing our school and I was very proud of them although I ended up critiquing everything did, oops the coach in me!

All of this soccer was a blessing this week to get the kids' minds off the passing of one of their friends. It was a struggle at school but what a blessing that we can help these students cope through a Christian perspective and have hope in their true Savior. On Friday, in my small group of 9th graders, I was able to point to the truth of God's promises. They were fixed on Heaven and what it would be like praising the Lord forever in Heaven. The thought of Heaven to them, was quite scary as they can't imagine the idea of something never ending, however, I tried to instill in them the importance of trusting in Christ now and keeping him at their focuse. It is hard for these high schoolers to accept that God is sovereign, Just, and the Savior of the World but I just pray that these girls can see God's higher calling their lives and want to live for Him even in the tough days.

Nothing else is going on, just living each day for my Lord. Yes, this is easier said than done but I am so thankful for God's comfort in all we do. Praise the Lord on High!

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