Thursday, November 14, 2013

Speaking Freely

     After 4 years of teaching in Christian schools, I have grown custom to speaking freely about my faith in Christ.  After all, the whole point of a Christian School is to steer the children towards trusting in Christ and help them strengthen their relationship with the Lord.  When a student was afraid for a loved one, we prayed.  When two students didn't agree on a part of the Bible, we looked a scripture.  When we were just down right all tired of each other, we spent time singing songs of prayer and reading verses about love.  I loved every moment of openly sharing Christ with my students when the time was right.  I love encouraging them to work hard as the Lord was with them and I enjoyed watching their inquisitive faces when they really understood what I was telling them.  I guess I took for granite the fact that 2800 students were encouraged from the Word of God each day and were sharing this truth with their parents.  I didn't realize how awesome this is until I started subbing in public schools. 

    Now, I am not trying to bash public schools because my sister teaches in a public school district and I think she is an amazing teacher and witness to her students!  However, one da when I was subbing it broke my heart when I was not able to openly share about Christ.  I found a student crying  during recess and she was able to tell me that several family members were having surgery soon.  I wanted to comfort her but everything that flooded my mind was not possible to say as it revolved around Christ and His comfort.  It was a horrible moment as I knew what she needed but was not allowed to offer it to her.  I couldn't tell her that Christ loved her and the situation was in his hands.  I couldn't offer bible verses of encouragement nor could I pray for her.  How awful!
I am so thankful for the Christian Schools in Togo where the teachers and I can publicly pray for the students and offer Christ's comfort in time of distress. Nothing will dissipate our feelings of hopelessness unless we are on our knees before our Mighty Savior.  The Christian Schools in Togo are making a difference for eternity as children are knowing that they are loved so much that Christ was willing to die for their sins.  They are then able to share this truth with others.  Please continue to pray for the students and teachers as they boldly stand up the encouragement found in God's word and that they are able to share the Truth with others in Togo. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Do you trust me?

If someone asks you to trust her(or his) opinion on an ice cream flavor, the consequences aren't that devastating. Trusting someone to pick out a movie, new restaurant, or a hotel, won't result in devastation.  Although these seem like ridiculous trusting situations, we find ourselves in moment where we are skeptical and don't want to trust any opinion or advice.  After all, does anyone trust the government?  Does anyone trust the news or what is actually in our food?   There are actually a lot of things in life that we can distrust.  I was thinking about trust one day in church, (dad I was paying attention!) when I realized am I actually, truthfully able to say that I trust the Lord.  When the Lord asks me, "Do you love me?"   and then, "Do you trust me?"  Are we actually willing to say yes and to follow through with it.  Do you actually realize what it means to trust Jesus?  Of course I trust Jesus when I have a job, a car that runs, a loving family, and so forth.  On the other side, I find myself currently without a steady job, not many friends, wondering when I will return to Togo, and so on with my pitiful story.  Why continue to sob and stay down trodden when I just walk each step in faith.  What does this look like?  I always go back to the Israelites who had to cross into the Jordan River into the Promised Land.  The priests showed their trust in the Lord by stepping into the river before God stopped the water.  We have to take the step of faith before we really see the whole picture or maybe it takes more steps into the water until we see even a small part of the picture.  We are hardly ever going to see the large picture, and to be honest, that is okay because it is too much for us to handle.  Remember that God only gives us what we can handle and although we want to see all that will happen, we are better off without it because it is too much for us to bear.  Instead, of saying, "why?"  we need to commence with "yes, I trust you!" and actually step out into the river in lieu of saying it.  Here I am, asking, why can't I make a real income?  Why am I called to Togo?  Why can't I go now? It sounds a lot like complaining to me!  Although I am an exceptional complainer, it isn't an ideal trait to possess and one that isn't flattering as I am trying to follow my Savior.  Laying that aside, I have decide to trust the Lord.  No, it isn't an easy step at all but when I say, "I trust you Lord" I am putting aside my selfishness, my worries, my agenda and relying on God's perfect time.  I will return to Togo.  I do not know the day and instead of focusing on the negative, I will hold up my hands in submission to my king.  I will surrender the reigns and rest in peace that God has everything taken care of because really He does! 

God has the plan of getting me back to Togo.  Have a part in it by being a prayer of financial supporter. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

There is a commercial on TV, I think for expedia, that asks people if they would leave immediately for any destination around the world.  Cathy and I concurred that we would agree to this arrangement also.  However, when I thought about where I would want to visit, I could only think about one place.  Yes, there are million of beautiful places around the world that I would love to see with my eyes, but there is only one place that my heart yearns to be.  Any guesses?  Yes, Togo!  It was such a comfort to know that I really would only want to be in Togo because it isn't a destination to me, it is home.  Now this is where my grandmother would insert, second home.  Yes, Indiana with my family is still home but I know that the Lord has laid Togo on my heart so I can love the people and share Christ.

     There is a month left until school begins and there is still so much that they are trying to accomplish in Togo.  Please pray that they can finish all of the textbooks and will have the funds to print them.  Please pray for Bea as she leaves on the 15th for the states.  Pray for the leadership in Togo, especially for Koudjoji, who lost his wife from cancer.  The Lord is mightier than all the problems and He will continue to sustain us as we bring Christian Education to the children of Togo. 
      I don't know the day when I will see Togo again, only the Lord knows.  I am working towards returning in January, but in the meantime I will learn to faithfully follow my Lord and Savior. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Walking Faithfully

A year ago at this time, I was in Ghana but not remaining in Ghana like I had the previous 3 years.  I was transitioning into a new ministry, a ministry that would stretch me but help me rely more on God.  I moved to Togo, West Africa to train teachers at 14 Christian Schools.  The Lord used us through our weaknesses to show His power as we have 2800 students in 14 schools.  That is only through the Lord’s provision !  God is using Togolese teachers to reach the youth for Christ.  If they have a strong foundatin in Christ, they can become the next leaders in the Church and win more souls for Christ.  We are empowering the Togolese Youth to be the next Togolese Christian Leaders and God has sustained us through each step of the way.  Although I have not written since last November, due to computer and internet problems,  I have seen the Lord provide in tangible ways.  He has sent money the minute we needed to pay teachers, He has brought students to Christ, He has enabled teachers to clearly share the message of Christ with students, and He has used the students to witness to their parents.  I have now been in the states for a month and a half and I am thrilled to be around friends and family.  However, my heart has stayed in Togo as I know that the Lord has burdened my heart for the people and I must return.  I cannot return until I raise 100% of my monthly support needs.  This is not my ministry, it is the Lord’s ministry and it only can be sustained through prayer and a team of supporters.  Yes, I have the opportunity to serve there, but everyone supporting the ministry is a vital part as you give encouragement to keep working diligently for the Lord.  Thank you for partnering with the Christian School Ministry in Togo.  Please continue to pray that the Lord will put this ministry on more hearts so I may return soon to continue the work for the Lord.