Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I am Free: Converted by a Teepee

Something amazing happened last Friday. Some of you are not going to believe this so please hold on to your seats. I am warning you so if your jaw drops and you can’t get it back up, it isn’t my fault. Anyways, we had an international traveling health clinic come and talk to us last Friday. They pretty much told us not to do anything in Ghana and that we would probably get something horrible while we are here. Now don’t panic, we have a registered embassy nurse who practically started our school and she takes good care of us. My friend leaned over to me and said she was now scared of everything. I leaned towards her and told her, “there are people in this room who have done things on the don’t list many of times and they are all okay so we will be okay too.” I said this, I actually said this! I promise that this is the truth! So now, I want you all to know that I am free from worrying about germs or other things. I have the Lord by my side and I don’t need anything else. Okay, to be honest, I am still cautious but I am not cautious to the point that I can’t enjoy life in Ghana. Oh yes, a good writer should wrap up a story with how it relates to the title so I shall do the same. A big reason that I have grown out of my germaphobic stage can be traced back to living in a teepee for two summers at SpringHill. I saw more things in that teepee with no electricity than I thought I would have seen along with sweating more than I thought I should sweat that now I am on the road recovery. So, thanks to the teepee, and ultimately to God, I can enjoy life at a whole new level!

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