Sunday, August 9, 2009

I have arrived alive!

Yes, I have arrived alive!! If you have ever been in the car while I have been driving, you probably said this after you did successfully arrived alive but this time I allowed Lufthansa to do the flying and they did deliver me to a bustling city filled with wonderful hospitality and a place to spread God's eternal message.

For instance, when I arrived on Thursday, there were many men willing to pull off my luggage and help me get a cart which was much needed with three huge bags and two carry ons. Unfortunately, one of the bags did not arrive but they assured me they would find it. They were true on their even though it was two days later! No big deal though since it wasn't anything I needed at the moment.

Arriving in Ghana, my home, was not in the least big overhwelming and scary. I have found Ghana to be similar to Ethiopia but I want to embrace it as its own unique place and stop comparing it to Ethiopia although I think the transition has been easier because of Ethiopia.

Kissing America Goodbye:

I am backing up for a second to talk about my last few minutes in America. I was in the airport in DC in the International Terminal. People were traveling to kingdom come and as I watched everyone on a mission to a foreign destination, I took one good look outside to the mountains, the prairies, the great lakes, the grand canyon... okay not really; I only saw other terminals and hazy skies but I looked past that to see the America that I have known. I realized that I wouldn't see this land until June and started to miss it. Before you start a pity party for me, I quickly came to the realization that it is not America that I will miss but the culture I have created with my family and friends. The America I love involves late night at Taylor, playing badminton in the backyard, bikeriding, running up and down a soccer field, sharing ups and downs with friends, you know those type of things! That America will not end because it is not America that makes it happenn but alas Christ who has created relationships, trials, and triumphant moments. Those will survive all else since Christ's kingdom will last forever. So thanks be to God who has given me lasting friendships and relationships in which moments can be created and remembered. I might be in my America at the moment but I still have it in my memory bank as I hope you do as well.

Okay, back from the rabbit trail!

One difficult part has been the down time. I know you are thinking, "she loves downtime and doing nothing!" Hopefully you know me better than that! I feel too high and mighty as I sit in my very nice house with two guards and get driven around by a driver. I am realizing though that my hiring local people, we are helping them and their families survive which is a good thing for them. It is better than just giving them some money or food once and awhile. Our guards names are Chavaz and Daniel. They are very sweet and love talking soccer so I fit in just fine! I am realizing though that this is where the Lord needs me at the moment but I would ultimately like to be in the setting where I am one with all of the people which could not be possible in a city setting. We have still been able to be out some as we ventured down the street to the orphanage called Beacon House. They have about 30 children their ranging from ages 0-high school. As we entered the gates, I saw a familiar scene as we had children racing up to us as they wanted to be hugged and picked up. I discovered many new games that are fun to play and many bottoms without pants on! Oops, should have warn the audience about that but I promise to keep it PG for now on!

Anways, at an orphanage, it takes you a moment to get out of your selfish comfort zone and into the world of a child who yearns for attention. Yes, who knows where hands, hair, and other body parts have been but that is beside the point. These children are the children of God and they deserve all of my attention. I had to put myself aside and love on these children with all my beind as God commands us to do. What a great lesson to learn! I hope to invest in relationships at the Beacon House so the kids know to count on me instead of someone who comes for an hour or two and then leaves. When we were going around the house to help with lunch, the kids thought we were leaving so they started saying goodbye. They are so use to this in their lives! I can't wait to be someone who they can count on!

Well, I guess this is a lot for someone to read if anyone reads this at all. If you do, thanks for wasting your precious time to do so! Don't feel bad if you couldn't make it all the way to the end but if you don't then I guess you won't see this disclaimer. Enjoy your week and I hope to write soon. We are beginning with teacher training tomorrow so it should be great! Big prayer request! The school is going through renovations and it still has a long way to go. Please pray that we can start on time which is August 19th. Thanks and love you all!


1 comment:

  1. what great thoughts you have here, christy! glad to hear that you have safely arrived and that God has already begun to show you your ministry in that place. you had me cracking up laughing while i was reading....especially the part about riding in the car with you ;) your writing really brings you to life as though you were sitting in our computer room talking to me! while we may not be in the same country, i take comfort in knowing we are in the same Kingdom. whenever you are worshiping and praying to Our King, remember that you are doing so right alongside myself, your family and friends and the saints past, present, and future. hope the training goes well!
