An attempt to score. We had opportunities but only found the back of the net once.
Fraction Pizzas! My kids earned a fraction pizza party for behaving so well. We covered pitas in sauce and toppings which the children generously brought in. This is fun, tasty, and educational. What more could you ask for? My kids are very photogenic.

A school week is only 5 days long but a lot can happen in that short amount of time. Just enough time to struggle through trials but also a chance to see God's mercy and goodness shine through.
The week started with a teacher work day which was much needed as surprise, surprise, I began to fall behind in school work. However, the day became much more exciting as middle school and high school boys began to enter my room, chattering with anticipation of our game against Lincoln which is the other American school here. They are a very good team and to be honest, I thought above our playing abilities. Good thing on this one, I was wrong! With 20 players, we loaded up the school bus and headed to the school where I found a very nice organized athletic department with a grass field. Yes, grass it is true but my kids are stronger by playing on sand, at least I tell them that. As the game began and my stomach was filled with butterflies, my boys found their rhythm and scored in the first half. What an exciting moment! It didn't really hit me because i didn't think it would happen but indeed it was true. Once that happened, the other team started warming up their starters who didn't play the first half. However, we only allowed their first team to score one against us, leaving the game at a 1-1 tie. The victory would have been amazing but I am still proud of the boys for rising to the occasion and not giving up. It isn't easy coaching, especially alone as I have all the boys on the sideline asking to go in as well. Subbing is the worst, just not sure of the right combinations, but God got me through. One thing I have found out about Ghana is everyone and their brother is a coach, or so they think so. During the game, I was called by our drivers or kids' drivers so they could put in their two sense on who should play. I know they are just trying to be helpful but it gets hard! After the game, some of the boys picked me up, which left me wet since they were drenched in sweat. A little disgusting to say the least! I was really proud of the boys and it really didn't hit me how monumental this was that we tied Lincoln as it shows we can play with the good teams, well international teams, Ghanaian teams are still out of our league. There isn't many activities for these boys to do so I am so thankful that they do have an outlet as long their grades stay up. It is hard work but they are worth it and can't wait for more games!
Well, I opened my big mouth and told some of the boys that if they played well I would throw them a party on Friday. Some of the boys have a good memory and didn't allow me to forget. My house was filled sweaty boys, girls with cameras, video games, soccerballs, and food. What more could you want? I had at least 25 kids at my house with my roommates help. These kids have nowhere else to go even on a Friday and so they will clean to anything that involves friends and food! Of course, we ended up playing soccer in the courtyard and I even showed off my moves shoeless in a skirt. That is right, I sacrificed my bare feet to the disgusting cement for a game of soccer. I am so thankful for these kids who bring joy and laughter to every situation.
Saturday, Children of the Light officially reopened with math month. It was a great start as the children rotated around to the teachers which kept everyone interested and not too crazy. We had a good crowd as all the kids were excited to come back to Children of the Light. These kids are starving for an education and it just breaks my heart knowing they don't have the same opportunities as kids at our school or in America. Little by little we can make a difference. I just have to be listening to the Lord by being in prayer and listening to his calling at the right moment. God is faithful. I love the children of Ghana and they are so precious to God. I know you would love them too.
I will leave you with some journal entries from my children. Whenever you are having a bad day, look at a child, listen to their heart and you will be amazing at your mood swing. You can't help but smile!
Questions: Why do we pray to God?
"We pray to God when we have a problem. Without God, you can never solve problems."
"The Lord says we should"
"We pray to God so he will save me"
"We can be alive, breath, eat, drink,"
Questions: What did your friend send you?
"My friend sent me a package of a talking dress and Miss Sopcisak. The talking dress was for Miss Sopcisak. What kind of friend sends me a teacher who I see everyday? Now I see her even when I go to vacation."
Where do you go to be happy?
"Have time alone with God, tell him stuff like what happened today."
"I love all the hard work we do."
Got to love children!
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