These pictures are from the last 3 weeks of school. We made many lasting memories.

We made gingerbread cookies in class and I pretended to kick the dough. This created a lot of laughter!

One of my students mixing the dough for gingerbread cookies. We made great memories that day.

The kids love to decorate especially with feathers and pipe cleaners.

The newest reindeer to join Rudolph and his friends. They are quite talented kids.

No, this little sheep doesn't like hay but he does like to perform! My second graders and the first graders stole the show with their song "While Shepherds Walk their Flocks by Night"

Two of my kiddos waiting for their turn during the Christmas Program. They looked beautiful and did such a great job sharing the Good News of Christ.

This is our beautiful dirt, rock, sand, and trash soccer field. Our boys were playing their last game which they did remarkable.

Two of my boys doing the three legged race during Field Day at school. They look really intense!

After Thanksgiving, two of my friends and I visited a new Christian school in the Volta Region. They are just starting out but God is doing an amazing work to offer a good education for children in desparate need of love and knowledge.

At the school and ministry, called City of Refuge, we had a large Thanksgiving dinner. The Ghanaians had their usual dishes plus they enjoyed having turkey, grean bean casserole, and rolls.
It was a great time celebrating our thankfulness.
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