Do you think the ice cream is good? It has to be eaten fast as it melts so fast!
This week I was challenged to read 1 Corinthians 13. Yes, I am familiar with this chapter as the "love chapter" but it was such a great reminder of what love really looks like. After reading this chapter, I realized the depth of love that God shows me and I must show others constantly. I am so thankful that God's love is unconditional!
Friday was a crazy day as the kids could dress up as their favorite book character. I dressed up as the kid in "If you take a mouse to school" and carried around a mouse with a lunch box. One in first grade was pinochio with a hand made cardboard nose that culd extend and detract. The kids had a blast dressing up and sharing their books with the class. We also celebratred the close of reading month with our annual bouncy castel extravaganza. Once we jumped all the sillies out, we filled up with ice cream. My kids were put in charge of helping the other grades but they had the most fun taking pictures with my camera. They were posing and on the run way during some of the time but they were having fun and taking artistic licensing to the next level. I promise we learn something at school! Well sometimes, we learn something at school but just not on crazy fun Fridays!
Saturday was spent visiting our friend Gomer and his buddies who sell onions. They have nothing but are affectionate as they sit all together drinking nescafe and trying to read. Josiah and I will try to go more frequently to teach reading to the guys who are intelligent but just need someone to spend time with them. We are learning a lot from these guys like the importance of just being and showing your availability. It is hard for me to just be instead of doing but the Lord calls us to love all and meet their needs. Their need might just be a listening ear and thus I will do just that! Please pray that we have more opportunities to get to know these guys and share God's love with them through our reading.
This past week I was challenged to
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