Josiah and a girl in my class whose parents work at the school. We had our annual watermelon carving party and they turned out great. This time even included the girls wearing their broken watermelons on their heads. Needless to say, they had to take a bath before bed or the ants would be all over them!
Today's event are behind the title as a friend of mine and I went to visit a man from church. He moved here two years ago after living sometime in Niger to help boys from Niger who sell onions. He has just opened his house to them and allows them to make themselves at home as they learn how to read. On the way there, the taxi driver misunderstood, well and I didn't give the best of directions, so we eneded up going way out of our way! We figured we could just walk back to the place but unfortunately took the wrong turn and wandered around the area for an hour, passing the US embassy atleast 4 times! This reminded me of our relationship with Christ. We are in the neighborhood with God, know how to follow Him, but yet don't ask Him for directions to fall at his feet and into His warm embrace. We wasted so much time and missed out with Gomer and His beauitful boys that need the Lord due to being lost. How much time do I miss out with Christ because I try to do it my way and don't rely enough on God. If I ran right to God, I would spend longer in his glory. God is good and learning more about his Grace each day!
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