Saturday, October 1, 2011

At Your Feet

I am probably sure that I have titled a blog this last year but I just can't get enough of this concept. There are moments when there is nothing else to do but lay flat on your face at the Savior's feet and just wait and listen. Yes, this can be difficult, but I have found it so refreshing everytime. I have the tendency to share my problems or frustrations with others first but I have just been reminded repeatedly of how important it is to bring praises and concerns to the Lord. Today I spent time just sprawled out on my bed praying aloud which was a glorious time with my Savior. What an amazing fact that he hears us all at the same time! I cannot even fathom all of his goodness and mercy but I am thankful for every bit that he gives me! I pray that you can find time to just fall at your Father's feet and worship him undignified and openly. I know I need to do it more often so I am refreshed for each moment.

I am trying to think of random moments from this past week. Well, in the middle of phonics, for some reason I started making glasses with my eyes where you flip your hands around while making a circle with your thumb and middle finger. We have tried this before but not many could do it then. However, we taught everyone to do it and clapped each time someone else learned the talent! I was like great, you are going to go home and tell your parents the craziest things at school! One of my kids said, "Yeah, last time I went home and said mom look what I learned at school! I learned how to make glasses with my hands." That is right ladies and gentleman, parents are paying thousands of dollars at a fin American school so their second grade students can learn how to make glasses with their hands! I think I should get the teacher of the year award! I do pray that learning is going on and I have seen it happening as they share with their parents or me the different skills we have been drilling in our heads. Yes, some days we take 10 very large leap backwards but we then start hopping towards our goal. I am loving my kids and the time with them. In this time, I need to be intentional of sharing Christ with them and just how much they are loved by me and especially by Christ. On Monday, we ran out of water at the school which made it interesting in the bathrooms. Right at the end of lunch, the clouds opened and it began to downpour! One of my precious students said,"Miss Sopcisak, God allowed it to rain so we would have water at our school." Amen! I love the faith of a child which has taught me so much on how to praise the Lord for every blessing even sudden rainfall!

On Friday, one of my parents organized a "meet and greet" with other parents. I only had about 6 parents show up but this was still a great time to get to know them better and share wonderful moments that have been happening in the classroom. The parents were talking about how thankful they are for the school and how their child is loved for each day and are taught important Christian values. I loved hearing this as it gave me a renewed purpose for teaching as I do have the opportunity to share Christ with these children everyday and impact their families. Please pray for the families in my classroom as they would bond as a family unit and grow closer to Christ.

Today, Saturday, I finally spent sometime with the kids on the street reading with them. I am still trying to teach the alphabet to several of them and we are getting there slow but surely. These children are just starving for attention and love and of course I love showing it! I spoil them with stickers and cookies and such but they are worth it. They were so quiet just taking in the pictures of the books and trying to sound out the words. These children do not have much to do so it is nice to be able to offer them so harmless, educational fun. Please pray that we will conitnue to be able to share God's gospel with the children on the street and they would listen.

Enjoy your week falling on your face infront of your Savior and Lord! Try not to give yourself a broken nose or too many bruises!

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