These are some of my boys right before Christmas. I don't think they wanted their picture taken!
This is before I left Cincy to back to Ghana. My class did Flat Stanley projects to I took one with my parents. We got some looks but at least had fun with it and it took our minds off me leaving.
This past weekend when I was on a trotro, I spent time reading this free book about a missionary from India which I received in college. He was talking about the importance of missions and what we should be focusing on as missionaries. He said that too many times Christian missionaries implement humanity efforts such as hospitals, feeding centers, and schools but yet do not preach the importance of Christ as the Savior. People are drawn to have their physical needs met but then are not accepting Christ fully and understand the need to repent and ask Christ to be their Savior. This struck me deeply on the trotro and really put my perspective into my place. As I am transitioning into a new field sometime in the future, I must make sure my priority is telling others about Christ and allowing him to work into their lives instead of just providing for the physical needs. I love to help people but I must be on fire to preach about my Savior and never hesistate to share His Good News. I even think about my interaction with the street kids. I love them by hugging them, talking and playing with them, giving them biscuits and water, reading with them, but am I set on sharing Christ with them? I know they are only children and yes I cannot force it down their throats but I must allow Christ to drive my life and my interactions with others instead of just my heart.
I pray that wherever we are, Christ can be the center of our lives and we never hesistate to share His Redemptive Love to anyone we meet.
I have now taught for three days and to be honest, it wore me out! I am not sure what the problem is but I am praying next week I will have the strength to make it through the week. It has been a blessing to be back and love on my kids. We talking alot about the newness we can experience in having Christ in our lives and they asked some really good questions. I have one boy in particular who will be leaving this year and I just pray that he can see Christ as his true Savior to follow. One boy kept asking when Bible was so he could read from his new Bible. On the first day back, I was missing 5 of my students and now I am still missing 3. Since it was only a 3 day week, some are choosing to come on Monday although they missed out on some fun!
I am glad for the break as it helps remind me of how much I do love them and want to impact them positively through Christ. They say the funniest things and are just so bright. I love second semester as we just know each other by now and can help each other function throughout the day. I have added one student to my class, making the count up to 17. This is the most I have ever had even though I am nowhere close to my sisters 31. He is adjusting well and the other children are helpful as they know the routine. Please pray for the other 3 to arrive safely and to settle in without too much jet lag.
Yesterday, Josiah and I went to our friend's house who works with the onion boys(sell onions in Accra) from Niger. They are minority group in Niger who are use to a life of poverty so they send their boys to Accra for work. They are a Muslim people group and are against Christianity. Yesterday, our friend was sharing with us the struggles that the boys face when they becom Christians. Some of them have accepted in their hearts but they keep it from everyone or they will lose their jobs. This is a struggle they face as in Paul and others lost everything for standing strong for Christ. Christians are martyred daily because of voicing their stance to follow Christ no matter the cost. Is it right for these boys to keep it secret and remain employed or lose everything for Christ? Afterall, Philippians 1:21 says, "For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." However, that is not my judgement call on these young boys lives who are trying to make a living so they can give back to their families in Niger. I do know that I have the responsibility of praying for them as they grow in Christ but only have a few to help them. A Burkinabe(from Burkina Faso) is helping Gomer, our friend, and they seem to tell this man more than Gomer. They figured out that it was best not to tell Gomer directly about their Christianity because then he would have to tell their families back in Niger the truth when they ask him. If he doesn't know directly about their faith, then he doesn't have to lie to their families. Most families are thankful for the love and support that Gomer shows these boys but they have made it clear that they do not want them to be Christians. Thankfully, the Lord is working through Gomer and his friend to bring the truth to these boys who are searching. Please pray that more will come to Christ and not be afraid to stand up for their believes as Christ will take care of them.
Also, things are getting ugly in Nigeria. My church in Ghana supports a native missionary in Nigeria in the capital of Abudja. There have been bombings there and several Christians have been killed. Last week he told his congregation to stay at home and he sent the rest of his family to the south. I forget how so many Christians around the world are suffering for the sake of Christ but I need to be in prayer for them and not to be afraid myself to stand up for the Gospel.
2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come. "
I pray that wherever we are, Christ can be the center of our lives and we never hesistate to share His Redemptive Love to anyone we meet.
I have now taught for three days and to be honest, it wore me out! I am not sure what the problem is but I am praying next week I will have the strength to make it through the week. It has been a blessing to be back and love on my kids. We talking alot about the newness we can experience in having Christ in our lives and they asked some really good questions. I have one boy in particular who will be leaving this year and I just pray that he can see Christ as his true Savior to follow. One boy kept asking when Bible was so he could read from his new Bible. On the first day back, I was missing 5 of my students and now I am still missing 3. Since it was only a 3 day week, some are choosing to come on Monday although they missed out on some fun!
I am glad for the break as it helps remind me of how much I do love them and want to impact them positively through Christ. They say the funniest things and are just so bright. I love second semester as we just know each other by now and can help each other function throughout the day. I have added one student to my class, making the count up to 17. This is the most I have ever had even though I am nowhere close to my sisters 31. He is adjusting well and the other children are helpful as they know the routine. Please pray for the other 3 to arrive safely and to settle in without too much jet lag.
Yesterday, Josiah and I went to our friend's house who works with the onion boys(sell onions in Accra) from Niger. They are minority group in Niger who are use to a life of poverty so they send their boys to Accra for work. They are a Muslim people group and are against Christianity. Yesterday, our friend was sharing with us the struggles that the boys face when they becom Christians. Some of them have accepted in their hearts but they keep it from everyone or they will lose their jobs. This is a struggle they face as in Paul and others lost everything for standing strong for Christ. Christians are martyred daily because of voicing their stance to follow Christ no matter the cost. Is it right for these boys to keep it secret and remain employed or lose everything for Christ? Afterall, Philippians 1:21 says, "For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." However, that is not my judgement call on these young boys lives who are trying to make a living so they can give back to their families in Niger. I do know that I have the responsibility of praying for them as they grow in Christ but only have a few to help them. A Burkinabe(from Burkina Faso) is helping Gomer, our friend, and they seem to tell this man more than Gomer. They figured out that it was best not to tell Gomer directly about their Christianity because then he would have to tell their families back in Niger the truth when they ask him. If he doesn't know directly about their faith, then he doesn't have to lie to their families. Most families are thankful for the love and support that Gomer shows these boys but they have made it clear that they do not want them to be Christians. Thankfully, the Lord is working through Gomer and his friend to bring the truth to these boys who are searching. Please pray that more will come to Christ and not be afraid to stand up for their believes as Christ will take care of them.
Also, things are getting ugly in Nigeria. My church in Ghana supports a native missionary in Nigeria in the capital of Abudja. There have been bombings there and several Christians have been killed. Last week he told his congregation to stay at home and he sent the rest of his family to the south. I forget how so many Christians around the world are suffering for the sake of Christ but I need to be in prayer for them and not to be afraid myself to stand up for the Gospel.
2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come. "
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