Saturday, February 25, 2012

Inner Beauty

Oh my, so much as happened in the past two weeks and I am sorry I have not been able to write earlier. God continues to be sovereign and give me mercy even when I don't seem to deserve it. Thank goodness God is the God of giving mercy and wiping away our sins. God reigns forever and we can shout for JOY that one day we will spend eternity praising him.

It has been a busy couple of weeks so I will try to recap on how the Lord is working here. A week ago Friday but an insane crazy day but one filled with exciting new paths for AIS. On Fridays, we have started a discipling program for the middle and high school students. We had our kick-off and figured out how many students were interested. Just yesterday Friday we had our first official meetins with our groups. I am meeting with 5 9th grade students while my kids are in Music. They do love to talk but I am excited to dive into the word with them and just help them better understand how they can have a personal relationship with Christ. The majority of the school is participating and we are all excited about how the Lord will work in these students' lives. Kim and I are focusing on the concept of Inner Beauty. As girls, we can spend so much time on primping our outer beauty but hardly any time focusing on the inner beauty which happens by spending time with God and radiating his JOY! I have already been learning from these girls. Please pray as the Lord works in all these students' lives and they understand that once they are saved, they are always saved.

Going back to two weeks ago, after the kick-off for discipling, my kids threw a Valentine's Program for the parents in which they read notes they wrote to their parents along with quoting verses and a music drama. They were sensational as always! These children love their parents so much and I loved them dearly as well.

Then after school, we took a group of middle school students mini-golfing to just spend time with them and get them outside the classroom. Of course, we had random activities for them to do and most of them humored us, which always makes it more fun. Do you know how hard it is to put sitting on the ground while hitting uphill?

After that, the fun continued with a high school sleepover with just the girls. There was much squealing and random dance parties but it was fun to watch their personalities come out in a deifferent venue.

For the past two weeks, a friend and I have been going to sit with the onion boys from Niger as they sell their onions. They sit under a large tree with many layers of roots which makes an ideal sitting place. We have been trying to teach them how to read which is a slow process but our time there is much bigger than that. We are building relationships and ultimately want to share Christ with them although we hardly speak each other's languages. Please pray that we will find practical ways to share Christ with them. They are hilarious and have great spirits even though they spend their days selling onions. God loves the least!

Last Saturday was my grandfather's memorial service. This was quite difficult to listen to as the time read 11 p.m. and I sat alone in my bedroom. It was hard not being there with my family and reminiscing with them but God is good. There are problems bigger than me, but God has them under control and gets us through each moment. Yes, I miss my grandfather but His memories will live on inside of me.

I think tha covers the span of two weeks. I am learning to keep taking a step of faith each and everyday and the Lord will light the rest of the path. May God bless you all each and every day.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Where does my help come from?

Psalm 121A song of ascents.
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? 2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; 4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand; 6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; 8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

I memorized these verses along with the kids on the street last year and they sure do come in handy especially after last week. I already blogged about the homegoing of my grandfather so please do not think I am insensitive if I do not discuss it more sense I guess I made my family cry enough with the last entry.

Yesterday, (Friday) we had a random day off so a friend of mine and myself took 5 ninth grade students(3 boys and 2 girls) hiking to a waterfall. They were not sure what they were getting themselves into especially since only one of them has ever gone hiking but now that it is over, they can all joyfully exclaim that they had fun. While working out way up the steep incline, one of the girls struggled and tried to give up. I kept teling her to think past her goal and reach one little incline at a time. What a huge difference that made in her energy to pursue her goal. When we finally got to the waterfall, I heard her exclaim, "wow, this is amazing!" and at that point I knew that she realized the worth of the effort. It is so important to instill into these children the essence of working hard to achieve a goal. Anything is possible if you just try. Again, it takes me back to Psalm 121 as we reflect on where our help comes from. I cannot do it alone and I am realizing that more and more each day. Thank goodness I have the maker of Heavan and Earth cheering for me and now allowing my foot to slip even though the path seems to treacherous. The students saw a great glimpse of God's protection and the reason to persevere through all trials as great rewards, like cold rushing waterfalls, await at the end.

Another fun event of the weekend which happened after my grandfather's homegoing was last Sunday night when the Ghanaian soccer team was playing in the quarterfinals in the African Cup. We decided to watch the game in African style by finding a local beauty shop where all eyes were glued on the TV. It was such a communal place as the children sat up front, kneeling on step up to the shop, where the adults watched intently on benches surrrounding the small shop. We were welcomed with approving smiles and dirty hands as all our street kids decided we were a jungle gym for the evening. We didn't watch a lot of the first hand due to the local children but we love any chance we get to bring joy to their lives. It reminded me of the middle of the 20th century(not that I was alive!) where everyone didn't have TV's so they had to gather together to learn the news. I love this concept of coming together for a mutual celebration as it really shows the community aspect of life here. We were just part of the people, watching an important game that represents the culture of Ghana.

This is a huge prayer request. One of the students in my class is going through a family matter right now that is pretty difficult and public. When she talked about it, the rest of the students had already heard about the matter. Please pray for this family as they are going through this time. Please pray that I will comfort this student and help show her that her father will always be there for help. Please also pray that the rest of the student body will not talk about the situation as there are four students in our school related to this issue.

My kids really do say the funniest things and this week were up there as my favorites. Early in the week, the kids had to answer the question if girls would make a good president. One of the girls said yes because they would be kind and give electricity. When I asked about this, she said, "because the boy presidents keep turning off the lights." Oh my, this is true, electricity is bad and it is partially the fault of the administration. If only girls would control the lights for once!

Later on in the week, we were writing facts about Abraham Lincoln. One of my boys wrote that if Abraham Lincoln didn't exit, he would be working in the yard. Meaning, since he was black and was born in American, he would be working in the field as a slave. The way they convey their ideas is hilarious!

Josiah and I spent another Saturday with the boys from Niger who sell onions. We are going to start meeting with them on the side of the road to help them learn English. In exchange, they will teach us Zarma and French. I know it will make them happy to learn Zarma but of course I am more excited to learn French as this will be necessary for next year.

God continues to show his faithfulness and mercies each and everyday! Praise the Lord for his goodness is everlasting

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


This blog entry is more for myself, a reflection on the past couple of days rather than sharing with you but I hope you will understand as I need to verbally process the events. As many of you may know, my beloved grandfather took his final breath on this earth and then began partying with Jesus for eternity. Of course we mourn his absence but know he his praising our Savior without suffering and pain. Afterall, he has been sick for sometime now and not himself although I will always remember the grandfather that called me sunshine or answered the phone as Mr. Schultz's pool room. I will hold onto the times of swimming in the ocean and "being too far out" for grandmother's taste or asking where the Christmas tree was during every birthday. Those memories will continue on and hold dear in my heart as a part of who I am was molded with my grandfather's kindness and hard work ethics. The only way to carry on who he was to embrace his values and live to become a women who desires after God's will and lives with contenment.

I awoke Monday night around 12:30 a.m.(I guess Tuesday morning) and remembered I had to still do something for Tuesday. I was thanking God that I woke up and then I checked my skype to realize the real reason why the Lord had me arise from my slumber. My mother had given me details on the events that occurred that evening and that were still happening as I tried to wrap my brain around the information. Yes, I knew it was coming for awhile but it is different when it actually does happen. I eventually went back to sleep for a short time and then awoke late to discover that it wasn't a bad dream. I guess it was hard finding out in the middle of the night as then I couldn't really process it all and function yet until the next morning at school when it hit me. I must say that it was a difficult day and I didn't have much patience with my kiddos but God helped me get through it with the help of some close friends. In fact, one of the ladies at our school lost her grandfather the next evening so we have been helping each other. Yes, I knew this day was coming on the horizon soon but it is still hard when it actually happens. It is also hard to be in the comfort of my family and help with the situation when I am 6000 miles away. I wish I was there to give hugs and offer my services but alas I am here in another culture going about my day. However, God is good and continues to show my his mercies each day. I was home for Christmas which was a blessing and I will be able to return in the summer. We might mourn here but there is rejoicing in Heaven each day a loved one comes home.

I have been thinking a lot about the son "The Old Rugged Cross" which was one of my grandfather's favorite.

On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,The emblem of suffering and shame;And I love that old cross where the dearest and bestFor a world of lost sinners was slain.
So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross,Till my trophies at last I lay down;I will cling to the old rugged cross,And exchange it some day for a crown.
O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world,Has a wondrous attraction for me;For the dear Lamb of God left His glory aboveTo bear it to dark Calvary.
In that old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine,A wondrous beauty I see,For ’twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died,To pardon and sanctify me.
To the old rugged cross I will ever be true;Its shame and reproach gladly bear;Then He’ll call me some day to my home far away,Where His glory forever I’ll share.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Backwards Day

I know, not my typical titles but I must admit that the creative juices were just not flowing today. I guess it is after midnight on a Friday after a full week of school, which might explain some of it or it might be due to the fact that we just finished backwards day in my classroom. My students throughout the year earn compliments for good behavior in class or in other specials. When our chain hits the ground, we celebrate with a party and I usually switch the theme everytime. This time, the kids decided to have a backwards party which consisted of them wearing their shirts backwards(wearing polo shirts backwards is uncomfortable!) walking backwards, and writing our names backwards. Did you know that my name is Kasicpos backwards? Anyways, the children and I had a joyous day being unique and creative in many backward ways. We also made pirate hats since we were learning the "ar" sound and pirates say arrr. I have some cute pictures but alas they are on someone else's camera. I do love my little ones and their amazing thoughts that keep my classroom vibrant.

This is the second week I have taught soccer for elementary students. The 3-5th meet twice and week and we have K-2nd once a week. They are definitely a handful especially when the generator is going full blast right there but the Lord is good and has gotten us through it. The kids love soccer and love having the time to play so it is worth the effort. I pray they can put into practice what they learn and also realize the importance of working together as a team. Please pray I will be able to reach these children in a new light and ultimately show them how to glorify God through soccer.

My kids were hilarious this week. I know there is more but I can only remember a few funny quotes. One of them on Monday told me she had flurms in her throat. When I questioned her she said, "you know, the sticky substance in your throat." "Oh!" we said, "you must mean flim!" She insisted that no it was flurms but I am pretty sure that is a synonym of flim. On another occassion, I was about to begin reading with a group of four students when on of them exclaimed, " Miss Sop, how did it feel when you first became a second grade teacher?" Next year will you be promoted to third grade or...." (he was looking for the word demoted.) Oh they do make me laugh! We were talking about Abraha, this week and our God made him the father of Israel. One of them said, "Oh said that is where the song Father Abraham comes from!" I am glad he knows how to teach better than I do! This was a perfect idea and a great song to sing and then talk about. Are you smarter than a second grade? I am starting to think I am not!

Speaking of Abraham, some encouraging words for you as I go through Romans.

" And when God counted him as righteous, it wasnt just for Abraham's benefit. it was recorded for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will also count us as righteous if we believe in him, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God."

Romans 4:23-25