Sunday, May 13, 2012

Circle of Life belongs to Christ

Does the first part of the title remind you of something?  Maybe if I tell you that it is related to a popular animated film and famous Broadway show it will spark your memory to The Lion King.  So what happens when you combine the movie, broadway, 3-18 year olds, Ghana, and different cultural views?  Well, you produce the Lion King AIS style.  Yes, yesterday the kids performed the Lion King and they all had a special part to transport the audience to the Savannah where wild animals roam.  This was a treat for us in West Africa as we are bare to wild animals like lions, tigers, and bears, Oh my!(sorry couldn't help myself!)  Anyways, all the classes represented different animals or tribal people.  My kids were Ghanaian dancers who performed "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"   They were sensational of course with their outfits of brightly woven fabrics and their little dance moves which some elaborated probably more than necessary but allowed the audience to laugh.  All of the actors and actresses put so much work into their part.  The only downfall was the wireless microphones were not working so well and it was hard to hear some of the main parts.  However, we all congratulated them as we knew they were doing a wonderful job and kept the show going despite the problems.  You just got to love Ghana!

This week has been a bit emotional.  I guess the end of the year tends to have that effect on a lot of us but it is different when you are leaving the school for good.  Yes, I myself can't believe I am writing those words but I have to face the reality of the matter.  I have been doing well telling people even though my kids are really struggling with it.  They say, "but next year we just want to come and say hi to you."  Oh, it hurts but I promised to visit as long as I get back here quickly.  God is good and in control.  It has also been emotional in other ways with some issues arising but I cannot go into detail.  God remains to be faithful and if I reach out to Him and focus my attention to him, I am comforted. 

Oh, you must hear updates on my street.  Remember, it is under construction?  Well, now there is a huge ravine in the middle of the street which I found out when the power was out meaning there were no street lights.  Now, you have to climb up on the side gutter, walk across the gutter, jump to other parts of the gutter that are not connected, and then get back on the road.  Who knew there were so many adventures on just one street?  Try walking on it when it rains and you just sink into all the mud!

These are pictures from awhile ago but I thought you should remember how cute my kids are and how creative they are.  The top one shows their imagination on geoboards and then the cool guys doing their fairy tale play.  The bottom ones show the chefs creating their own fraction pizzas.  There is never a dull moment in second grade!

As today is mother's day, I must give a shout out to my wonderful mother and grandmother.  You can only imagine that they have had a journey with me growing up but I would not be the women I am(although I still have room for improvement) without them guiding me closer to my Lord and Savior! 

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