I can actually never remember failing a test while going through the education system. Well, in my book, I failed a test if I got below an A, that was tragic enough, but I don' remember seeing that D or F on my paper. Oh yeah, once in college during PE for teachers. You may, laugh but everyone who has taken it will agree that it was a difficult class! Anyways, you may be wondering what kind of test I would be happy to fail so don't wonder any longer! Last Sunday, actually Saturday night, I could tell I was getting a fever since I had a headache, the chills, and was getting really hot. The girls told me I probably had malaria, in a half joking but half serious manner. I shrugged it off, said I would be fine in the morning and went to bed. However, I was not fine in the morning and spent all day miserable. Sorry for those who have been close to me when I have been sick, but I am not very pleasant as I hate to rest! I would sleep for awhile, find some energy and then try to do something productive before I crashed again. I felt like it was a waste of a day but I guess God was telling me I needed to rest. Anyways, the fever and headache never went away so I decided to call Laurie who is the project manager at school and a nurse.
And the long awaited moment..... I got to have my first malaria test! She just pricked my finger and then tested my blood on a strip. If there is only one line that appears then the test is negative. After what seemed like years, I finally saw for myself that there was only one line there! Yippeee! Malaria free for now! There are two teachers who have malaria right now but once you take the medicine, you feel better quickly so it isn't that big of a deal. It is just really bad if you don't catch it soon enough.
I can't complain about being sick since this was the first time it has happened to me since being here and that is unusual for here! I went to school on Monday but had to go home because I got sick in other ways(no details necessary) but they had called in a sub so everything was okay. I felt bad because I had a new student that day so I said hi to him and then had him meet the sub. I never got to ease him into the routine but I think he is doing just fine. Now I have eleven students and I know I will have at least twelve after Christmas. I welcome my new students and I know my current new students like new faces but my room is not very big so there isn't many places to put everyone. I will have to start hanging some from the ceiling! Just kidding!
In other school news: The Christmas Program was sensational! There was some technical difficulties as the music would not play for most of the program so the kids did the program accapella. It was amazing! Most of the parents didn't realize that it wasn't suppose to be that way and the most important part, the message of Christ, was proclaimed for all to hear!
I had told you in the earlier blog that I was praying for one of my students to come since her father told me she wasn't going to since they are Muslim. I was worried she wouldn't show but she did! Praise the Lord! Afterwards her father came up to me and I thanked him for letting his daughter came. He said it is no problem, it is all okay, it was good. Oh praise the Lord! God is working here and through us to reach the nonbelievers. Continue to pray for this family and others at our school and everywhere.
We didn't have school on Friday because it was Farmer's Day! Yes, the day we celelebrate the work of the farmer! We looked it up on google so we knew for sure why we were getting the day off. In the 1980's there was a horrible drought and the country was saved by the hard work of the farmers who fed the nation. In 1988 they decided to make Farmer's Day a National Holiday. We celebrated the day by having a breakfast together, complete with fresh bananas and pineapple, a product of the farmers. Oh there is also a yearly competition where they watch the work of select farmers all year. On this day, they announce the winner of I guess being the best farmer. This first place winner gets a new house, second: new car, third: new tractor(I think a tractor is the best gift.)
Thanks for reading that random information, but it allows you to know Ghana better. Or you could have skipped it and that is okay too.
Today is our last week of school. In the elementary school we don't have any specials so we will be with them all day long, please pray for all of us! We are doing Christmas Around the World which should be fun and something different for the kids! Please pray for all of the kids as they travel for Christmas and some of them see parents that they haven't in awhile. Please also pray for the teachers who will be traveling home. Yes, I am still staying here and although I reall really, really, truly miss everyone at home, I know that this is where I need to be as I help with the Children of the Light Christmas Program and with other ministries in the area. I am so excited to have Cathy come and to spend some quality time with her! God is good! Have a blessed Sunday and week.
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