The building is still making progress! God is bringing money in little by little.
There is a new classroom going on top of part of the bottom level of the building. I must gloat and tell everyone that it was dad's idea! However, they laid the cement and then it rained on it so some of it is sagging and cracking. Imagine that, something need to be fixed in Ghana? I am so excited to see Lord's work being done in this buiding. God keeps providing.
This is the new addition before the cement was laid.
Yesterday evening at school, in a time span of 10 minutes, I realized I misplaced progress reports, my cell phone, and my flashdrive. The only one that I was in desperate need of was my flashdrive although I knew all three of them had to be somewhere. As now I am use to misplacing my entire life, I wasn't too worried about them but at the same time I was frustrated that I would have to spend time looking for them as I need every second devoted to getting my room ready. When I entered my classroom this morning, I went about my normal routines by singing praises to the Lord as I finally took the time to look for my lost, or rather misplaced items. Yes, the cell phone was in my soccer bag where I expected it all along; sandy but still working. Then, I took the time to look through mybook bag for the flashdrive. What do you know? I actually found it in a pretty safe place! Granite I really needed it last night but it wasn't a big deal and of course it all worked out with printing everything. Finally, (working on time order words in class so thought I would practice too!) while I was putting away finished papers, I found the art midterms. Is God good or what? Was it in my timing, of course not! However, God's ultimate timing is far more complete and right then my own. Why do I always forget this? That was a minute problem and it didn't bother me too much but it reminded me of how my relationship with Christ can be sometime. I feel like I am lost, there is noone to talk to, I'm wondering around in the dark. However, I need to wake up to the fact what I think is lost is actually just missing from my heart and mind. Jesus Christ will be there now and forever more. His perfect plan is right at my fingertips but instead I look in all the wrong places. That is when it is time for me to stop, take a step back and fall, on my knees to the only true living God. I am not lost nor is my life, I have just chosen to misplace it by putting myself infront of my Savior. At these points of realization, Lord I pray that you are the one I look to for satisfaction, for the truth and for my purpose. There is noone else to worship than you. Lord I thank you for bringing me back to the truth and help me now to not let myself be lost but come running to your arms for in your presence you use me for your Glory.
On a lighter note, Friday night we had Banana Bonanza. Tuesday we had a day off so one of my friends and I decided to have a game night and make chocolate covered bananas. Of course it had to have a catchy name! They made a huge poster advertising it and then put paper bananas in everyone's mailbox. Yes, we have no life! When there isn't much entertainment you tend to go overboard on silly things but we were having fun so that is all that matters! The bananas were delicious and fellowship was even better considering Mr. Crosby, our director came. It was really nice for him to come and hang out with all the girls in their twenties or early thirties! I want to openly express my appreciation for him and all that he does for the school. It is a tough position to be in but he truly cares for these children, Ghana, and for us. Seeing his heart for the school, reminds me of how my focus should be on reaching these children for Christ.
Yesterday, I went to Children of the Light for only the second time. Next week is competition for spelling and knowing a verse and the books of the bible. We tried our best to help them so we will see how it goes. Some of them have no phonemic awareness(recognition of sounds and letters) which is sad considering they have been in school for awhile. I wish I could just put them all in my classroom because we need to start from the basics. There is so much need in Ghana for education. Please pray that I can help in someway with the years to come as I figure out how to put my passion for education to the least in action. The girls down the street have been begging me to take them to the library so hopefully I can do that soon. They are just thirsting for knowledge and I love it! They usually stay after kids club on Tuesday to read books but some of the other kids want to read also. I have three boxes of books on the container that people from church graciously donated so I can't wait to have kids in my courtyard reading on Tuesday. The container is in the port, but now it takes awhile to pass customs especially when they ask for so much bribe money! Got to love Ghana! Please know I am praying for each one of you and miss you all. God has a purpose for us all and I love how He can use us all in different ways for his ultimate goal.
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