Saturday, April 2, 2011


Another Saturday filled with soccer! What could be better right? I took the kids to Tema today(45 minutes) to play against another school which consisted of mostly Ghanaians. The players were small but proved to be strong and fast which I wared my players against. After riding the bus, my boys were very lethargic and it showed as the other team scored two goals right away. It wasn't the way I wanted to start the match. Fortunately, by the end of the first half, my boys had woken up and equalized the game as they call it here. During this time, I also found out that I was only allowed to sub once and once they came out, they could not go back on. I must admit that I was a little angry about this as they never told me this rule. Some of their fans said then I didn't know soccer rules which I told them not to insult me. It is a hard place to be in as I am a white American "small girl" in a man's world. There was no more goals in the second half but my boys were getting hammered and the ref always sided with the other team. I am just thankful that one of my boys didn't lose their cool which almost happened a couple of times. I am fine with the draw as the officiating was horendous and I a glad none of my players were injured. My boys learned an important lesson that you can't worry about the refs, you have to keep playing until the end as little things can get your head out of the game easily. My boys were very upset and did not want to be friendly but again I had to remind them of the school we represented and most importantly Christ which we needed to reprsent. This was difficult for them but they were good little boys on their best behavior as good as they could at least. The funny part was the other team spoke mostly in twi and they thought none of my players understood. Half of my team speaks twi so my players would come back from half line telling me what they would say. They would say, "coach they don't think we understand but we do, and they are saying this" They were so proud of their sneakiness. Anyways, we survived and through the experience they bonded as a team which is what we really needed. They are always telling me they are't coming or I don't do this, or that but this experience made them realize the importance of working together and rallying behind their coach. We only have a few more matches before the end of the year and even though I really want a win, i am proud of the way my players are growing and learned the hard work ethics that are vital. These players cam to me without the basic knowledge of working as a team and I want them to learn this concept more than anything! Sorry I just blabbed about soccer. It is so entertwined in my life. I might complain but I love the opportunity to share a game I love and utimately the love of Christ.

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