Friday, September 25, 2009

One thing I love about Ghana is...

The international community that I am a part of each day. I have students from 6 different countries who all bring a unique personality and culture to the classroom. One of my students has already been to 23 countries and he is only 8, I am close behind him with 3 countries and will pass him soon! Anyways, I love that I can learn from different cultures by being at one school as it opens my eyes to the vastness of the world and God’s glory throughout the nations. For example, at lunchtime, it looks like you are at an international food fair as everyone has their own native dishes that they are accustom to. You won’t find many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches here unless it is an American kid! (not always true) Tonight was a perfect example of being exposed to the universal church as we were invited to a Korean Charity Bazaar at a Korean church. Some of the students at school attend this church and one student’s father is the pastor. I realized when I was there tonight that I have a student who attends this church and is very active so it was good to support our AIS community. At this charity function, there were Korean dishes to sample(yes I tried them!) and a variety show modeling the traditional and pop culture of Korea. I am so happy that I went tonight so I could begin to understand a different culture other than my own especially since it is represented in my classroom! In a million years I never thought I would see the Prime Minister of Korea, watch Korean hip hop, and hear Oh Happy Day in Korean but I did! Now come on, who else can say they did all of that in one night? We are in a big melting pot in Accra and I want to embrace it for all its worth so I can understand people who may be different than I am but still experience life and most importantly have a relationship with Christ!
Oh really random… today I had the students journal about what they would do if they had 100GHC which isn’t that much. Through the journals, I now have three cars and two homes. Oh and the best one, I am getting a hotel next to the first grade teacher’s hotel so we can live together with this student. While we are in our hotels, we will teach him everyday at 6 o’clock. I must say that I enjoy my student’s and their thoughtfulness, wish it was true, but it is the thought that counts. God has gotten me through five weeks of teaching!

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