Saturday, September 19, 2009

Women Underneath the Basket

Today as I was in a trotro heading to the mountains(the trotro's decided to do offroading today and cross to the other side of the road so they could avoid the traffic) I thought about the all of the girls who carry baskets on top of their heads. They have a round cloth thing that sits upon their head that enables them to carry laundry baskets or metal bowls with goods in them. They sell anything from plantain chips, fruit, to undergarments in the baskets.(saw the last one today, sorry I included it but it is the truth!) However, they are not the only person selling their good as many others have the same product. They spend their days standing next to trotro stops or busy intersections hoping someone will buy their product. Today, I finally took the time to think about them as a person who is trying to earn a living. Do you think that this is what they want to do with their life? Maybe it is. But what if there is more to them than someone who is persistent about selling their product. Yes, I might get annoyed at these people all sometimes as I just want to be left alone but they need to make a living also. They are beautiful women who deserve the best in life as much as I do so it is important for me to be friendly to them. Maybe they are not a banker, a businesswomen, or even a teacher but they are someone who supplies me with delicious plantain chips which makes them worthy to society and to the culture of Ghana. Maybe in a different culture they might hold a higher status but again whose status are we measuring them by? They are still important to God and to others as women, sisters, mothers, and daughters. I vow not to look at them differently than I do business women because we are all here to serve a purpose no matter how great or small.

1 comment:

  1. well said christy!
    thanks for sharing.
    hope all is going well for you! anything i can pray for specifically?
