Friday, September 18, 2009

Opportunity to be Flexible

I must admit, I am not the most flexble person in the world, I mean I can touch my toes but I could nevr do the test in gym where you had to reach past your toes while sitting down. I guess I will never be a dancer or gymnast but with my flexibility but I do just fine as a soccer playe. I know, I am wasting your time since this is not the kind of flexibility I am talking about. My wise leader while in Ethiopia would always tell us that we have the opportunity to be flexible when something did not go according to plan which was all the time. Those who know me well, will testify that I did not like change or deviation in the plan. Well, God taught me a lot in college and helped me realize that not everything is going to go according to the plan. I am so thankful to have learned that in college because it has come in handy while being here in Ghana. Take for example my Wednesday morning: I left my house at 6:00 so I could be there for over an hour before I had morning duty. I would have so much time to get a lot done right? Wrong! I got there and then the electricity wasn’t working on one side of the printer room so I tried the other computer but we couldn’t get it to print. Well, change of plans! Then, I went to copy things and the printer was out of paper so I had to run around trying to find more paper. By this time, I had to go outside to watch the kids and had accomplished nothing! But I started with so much time! Oh well, this is life as I know it here and since I can’t change it I might as well embrace it for how it is! I know, can you believe I am actually writing these words? I promise it is me behind these unfamiliar words to your mind. It doesn’t even bother me at all. Like today, it was after 5 and I decided to make up one more thing for next week. I had it all typed out on the computer and just hit the print button when the electricity went out. I didn’t even blink an eye or sigh at all I just looked at the blank screen, realized I lost it, and then left to do something else. I then had to take a double take because I was so proud of myself. I am getting use to crazy life that nothing seems to bother me. God is good and I am so thankful for the lessons learned in college as it has prepared me for normal life here in Ghana. Who knew I would get to this point in life? So glad God is in control and not myself!

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